Seeing again but another life

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" *Scream* damn you two!" Naruko shouted as she kicked her siblings out of her room. Meanwhile, Narumi and Menma just ran away while laughing.

Naruko on the other hand just sighed for having annoying siblings. As she was walking, she saw her mother putting a new picture. "What is this now?" Naruko asks. "Hm? Oh, something from our great-grandmother, the one who we called you for her." Her mother said with a smile.

'Oh her....' Naruko thought. And she soon walked up to see the picture, but to see a person inside the frame, she saw some kind of letter. "Um? Where's the picture?" She asks. "I'm not sure why we got it, but, this is a memento of someone she loves. She ripped the name of the senders." She said.

'Really? Why would great-grandma do this?' Naruko thought as she stroked her only silver hair of her blonde hair.

"Dear, we have to go!" Naruko's father called. "We will go then, Menma! Narumi! Let us go!" Naruko's mother said as the two devils ran to the exit 'Finally peace of these annoying devils...' Naruko thought.

After her family left, she looked again the letter and then took her bag and walked out.


"No way! Fourth Hokage's daughter's mysterious admirer letter!" Memory said as she looked surprised at the picture that Naruko took.

" *Sigh* Yea, but you know, I want to know why she ripped the name of the senders," Naruko said. "That's true. You are so lucky that you could keep it not send it to the museum." Memory said as she gave the phone back to its owner.

"Yea, I don't know why my dad did that," Naruko said as she took the phone back. "Hm? If I remember correctly, then, a few after she woke up from her coma, your great-grandma was pregnant." Memory said.

"Yea, that's also true. *Takes her silver hair* Hm, maybe, my great-grandfather is a silver-haired person?" She said. "Maybe, but, at that time, it wasn't easy to get a DNA test. Even after many years." Memory said.

" *Sigh* That's true. Well, I have more to do before my family will come back." Naruko said as she stood up. "By the way, how long your family are on that trip?" Memory asks before her friend leaves. "Like, a week." She said. "Oh, alright. We can talk another time." Memory said.

At home

" *Sigh* Finally, bought everything I need," Naruko said as she laid groceries on the kitchen table. "I see I see." Naruko struggled when she heard an unknown voice.

Naruko turned around and saw a one-horned man, all pale. She soon took a knife. "Oh please, Kaguya-same, do something." The man said, Naruko's hand just moved without her control. And the knife just flew away.

"I'm Isshiki Otsutsuki. You're a vessel of my clan's leader, Kaguya Otsutsuki." Isshiki said.

"Wh-what you need?!" Naruko asks. Isshiki just gave her a paper. "Take it, it's important to you," Isshiki said as he laid that paper on the table. And soon disappeared.

Naruko soon took it. 'An address?! A freaking address?!' She thought.

The next day


"Huh? A strange paled man, was in your house and gave you an address?" Memory asked. "Yea, it kind of creeps me out. A total stranger gives me the address and says 'it's important to me, like, what the heck?!" Naruko asks.

"Hm, maybe, you can see where is this address. When you look where is the address, you can leave." Memory said.

"Thank you Memory! That's why you are my bestie." Naruko said.

'Much walking, well, it supposes to be here....' Naruko thought as she looked around where the address was.

And, she found the address. A huge house, one word, mansion.

'Damn, why did he give me the address? Even though I'm Hokage's daughter. I doubt I will be interesting that man who lives in the.....' Naruko thought.

She soon laid the paperback in the purse and was about to leave.

"Hey! You blonde girl!" A male called for Naruko. "U-u-um, I was just walking around. Nothing more!" Naruo said as she turned around, to see a handsome silver-haired man with red eyes.

'He kind of reminds me....' Naruko thought. "I see, guess, we both have been reborn, huh?" The man said. "Huh? What is talking about? First off, I just meet you." Naruko said.

"Tobirama Senju, and, we both were named by our great-grandparents. Well, we aren't that blood-related. So, I guess, we can have something that we couldn't have in our past life."


I'm sorry, it is supposed to be complete, but, I forget about it.

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