A letter..

261 12 21

Listen to the music box while reading. It is very calming.

Italic = Thoughts

Bold = Author (Me)

Underlined = Singing/Reading Letter

Bold and Italic = Sounds

Bold and Undelined = Message

Underlined, Italic, and Bold = Bad thoughts


Katsuki was sitting alone in his dorm. Today is a special day, you know? A special someone was born today. He may be angry and stubborn, but we love him, right?

It was Katsuki's Birthday! Wait, then why is Kat alone in his room? Shouldn't he be celebrating with his family or friends? Oh, they forgot his birthday. Kat is now sitting on his bed with a small cake with candles. He lets out a sigh. "Happy Birthday...to me." He stares at the cake. A tear falls from his beautiful ruby eyes.

*knock knock* "Who is it?" Katsuki asks. He didn't want to put his angry face or use his angry tone. He was only feeling one thing, loneliness. "Bakugou?" Katsuki recognizes that voice. Todoroki. What is he doing there? Katsuki wipes his eyes quickly, hides his cake, and opens the door. "What do you want, Todoroki?" Todoroki was shocked to hear Katsuki say his name, not the nicknames he usually calls him, but his name (not first name but like- you know what I mean, right?). "Can I come in?" Todoroki wanted to ask Bakugou something, but not in the middle of the hall. "Fine" "Why is he acting differently..?" Todoroki thought while walking in.

They both sat on Katsuki's bed. "What do you want?" Katsuki asks. "Are you alright, Bakugou? You seem upset." Todoroki asks straightforwardly. "Why do you even care?" Katsuki asks.

No one else noticed anything.

No one else cares.

Why would he be any different?

"Bakugou, I care because-" Todoroki stops. Why do I care? "Because..." "Because?" "I don't need a reason to care, you are important to me, and I care for you," Todoroki says, looking at Katsuki. Katsuki was confused. To him, it made no sense. Todoroki shakes his head. "Uhh, Bakugou?" Todoroki wanted to ask Katsuki something. He wasn't sure if he was right, but he wanted to make sure. "Can you just say what you want and leave?" Katsuki wanted to be alone. He thinks no one cares. "Bakugou. Happy Birthday..."

"What..?" Katsuki was shocked. "Happy Birthday...Katsuki." Todoroki says with a smile. Shocked that Todoroki could even show emotions and used his first name, Katsuki had a blush on his face. "Isn't today your birthday?" Todoroki asks, suddenly embarrassed if he got the day wrong. "It is." Todoroki then was confused. Why isn't he with the Bakusquad or with his family? "Because they forgot." Todoroki realized he said that out loud. "My parents are gone on a business trip. They sent me a message." Katsuki takes out his phone and shows the message to Todoroki.

Old Man: 

Happy Birthday, Katsuki. 

Your mother and I are going on a business trip. 


"So I am here alone. Thank you, though, for remembering." Katsuki smiled at Todoroki. Todoroki couldn't help but smile at the calm boy in front of him. "We could go out and get a cake or something if you want." Katsuki shakes his head. He gets up and brings out the cake he had (He had put the cake in the mini-fridge he has in his room). He puts the cake in front of Todoroki and lights the candles.

"Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday to you,

Happy Birthday dear Kat,

Happy Birthday to you!"

Todoroki sang in a calm voice. Katsuki blew out the candles, and Todoroki clapped. They both ate the cake and talked for 20 mins. Then Todoroki remembered. "Oh right, I forgot to give you something. Well, there are two things." Todoroki took out an envelope and gave it to Katsuki. "This is from an unknown person. I found it outside your dorm when I was coming." Katsuki took the envelope and opened it.

"A Letter....?"

Katsuki opened the letter and started to read out loud:

"Happy Birthday, Blasty!

I love you very much!

If I were with you,

I would've thrown a big surprise party!

Sadly, that's not possible.

But even though,

I wish you a Happy Birthday!

I want you to be happy!

Even if you get mad sometimes,

Or have an angry personality,

We (all your fans) all love you very much!

We all want to wish you a Happy Birthday!

I don't know why I am writing this but,

I want you to know,

No matter what..

You are our #1 Hero!"

Todoroki looked up to see Katsuki crying. "Hey! What's wrong?" Katsuki looked up at Todoroki and smiled. Todoroki felt himself blush. He hugged Katsuki, who returned the hug.

They stayed like that for a moment. It was as if there were no worries in the world. Everything was nice and calm. When they finally parted, they stayed quiet. Not an awkward silence. It was a comforting silence.

Katsuki put his head on Todoroki's shoulder. They both were feeling happy. After a while, Todoroki took a clip out of his pocket. It was a snowflake hair clip. He put it on Katsuki. "There. It isn't much, but I wanted to give it to you."

"Thank you, Sho." Todoroki smiled. Then he got up and headed towards the door. "I'll leave now," He didn't want to leave, but he did what he came for and knew Katsuki wanted him to go away. Well, before he did. "Can you...stay?" Katsuki wanted Todoroki to stay. "If you want, then I'll stay." Todoroki closed the door. Katsuki laid down on his bed and stared at Todoroki, who was confused. "Come here, idiot." Todoroki lays down beside Katsuki.

They both fall asleep. That was Katsuki's best birthday ever. 


Thank You For Reading!! ( ̄︶ ̄)↗

Happy Birthday To Blasty! (/≧▽≦)/

I Hope You All Have A Great Day Or Night (*^▽^*)

Love You All (No Homo) ψ(`∇')ψ

*eats cake*

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