Aaaaaa pt 3

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My goofy ahh story is getting likeable?!?!?!?!?!?!! Thanks yo
I also caught a shiny Pokémon😍😍

No recap for you reader. Hahaha.


Where is Cheesy?
They're not here.
Is this why they've not come out yet? Cuz they haven't been here?

There's nowhere for them to actually go to, so it's a tad bit easier to figure out where they are.

Not really.
They could be in the forest, under water and drowned. Or something else,

Trophy doesn't have time for this.
He's just.. worried.
JUST. Worried about Cheesy.
Despite all that homosexuality shit back in the other chapters.
Trophy doesn't think about his gay.


Trophy sighed angrily and clenched his fist.
He feels like he's about to fucking flip out.
There's a warm feeling in Trophy.
On his arms, face, legs.
And it's that warm feeling that makes him feel sick.

"Ok.. very very funny, dork.
I swear to 🅱️ingus."
(Funny Bingus. Plz laug)

He left the room, making sure the door slammed behind him. Cause what would you expect? He's mad as balls and it's for dramatic effect?

Trophy walked quickly past everyone in his way, didn't answer to any snarky 'hello's from annoying little twats.
All he did was leave the building.

He then found himself walking faster and faster until he was just running.
Running and yelling "Cheesy!"
"Cheesy?! Are you here? stupid weird forest, anyways, You weren't in your room and I was.. uh. Worried."

Trophy stood in silence and began to smack himself in the face. This is so awkward and embarrassing.

"Cheesy. Just come out, if you are out here. I'm actually gonna start looking like a freaky weirdo like Knife and his dolls if I shout out here for any longer."
he heard something after that.
A laugh.
"Well, you've got a point."
"I'm not the one with the point, Knife is."
"bro I can't even tell if THAT was supposed to be a joke, it was that bad. Even for me."

Cheesy just popped outta nowhere. And fell out of a tree
"Now, before you say anything. yes. I was going to be like those cringe kids and run away. But then I thought about it for a bit and decided to stay out here instead and I also thought about you a bit but that's not the point. I was basically watching you the entire time you were searching for me"

Trophy just looked at Cheesy.
"Are you actually being serious?"
"Yea.. sorry."

He face palmed again.
Cheesy stood up from being on the floor and laughed. "This situation is so stupiiiddd"
"Yea. Let's go. Home."
"Ok Trophy."


"Also, what did you mean when you said that you though about me?"
"That's private."
"And only for a little bit. I feel so hurt right now, Cheesy"


God this ending was so rushed omfg
-ugly crying-

Anyways, hoped you enjoyed or something

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