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Aiden was in shock, he was blind, he could no longer see!

Aiden: "I'm-I'm blind, this can't be happening!"

Player: "I'm so sorry for you."

Veteran: "as am I."

Aiden had a happier look on his face, his spirits were raised.

Aiden: "thinks, you two are the best."

Veteran: "hey how about we go get some drinks?"

Aiden: "Alexson's Bar has the best drinks on the station."

Player: "come on, let's go!"

Aiden: "someone help guide me, I'm still blind."

Veteran grabbed Aiden's arm using his tendril, which surprised Aiden.

Aiden: "what's this?!"

Veteran: "that would be one of my tendrils."

Aiden: "since when did you have tendrils?!

Player: "he always had them, and it's a long story."

Aiden: "I guess you'll have to tell me."

The three friends walked over to the bar, and ordered some light drinks. Veteran told Aiden his story, and the whole story of the Valiant.

Aiden: "I knew there was something more to the Valiant, I just couldn't figure it out."

Well they where talking, command called a meeting. At the meeting, everyone from the Skeld, minus Blue, where being questioned. Suddenly, Blue entered the room, and the commanding officer smiled.

Officer: "welcome home, agent."

Blue: "it's good to be back"

Veteran: "wait, your a part of this rebellion?"

Blue: "I'm an agent of Section 31, and intelligence group that works for the rebals."

Officer: "your friend is one of our best agents, and him being half-alien is a show of the diversity that we are fighting for."

Player: "wow!"

Player, Veteran, Mr. Egg, and Stoner, stood in awe at their friend, who had just been revealed to be an agent of the rebels that they were hoping to join.

Blue: "my friends want to join our side of the war."

Officer: "than I'm ready to offer them a commission."

Veteran: "we would be honored."

Officer: "we will begin to retrofit the Skeld, she'll need to be able to keep up with our other starships."

Veteran and Player walked into a crew quarters on the station, the room was big enough for the two of them, it had a set of shelves, a large glass window, and a small bed.

Veteran: "I think I'm gonna like this."

Player: "yeah, same."

They walked around, then Veteran kissed Player, pushing him towards the bed.

Veteran: "do you think we should...?"

Player: "oh... yes."

(Meanwhile, cuz I don't want to write anything "spicy")

(I'm looking at you.)

(Don't make me call the horny police.)

Blue and Commander Fitzgerald were starring at a holographic image of Mira.

Blue: "I don't like this."

Fitzgerald: "me nether, but command needs this victory."

Blue: "remind me again how Mira helps us."

Fitzgerald: "if we take Mira, we can get to Alpha Centauri, and after that, Earth can be saved from the oppression of the Milky Way Empire."

A man entered the room, he was clearly an agent of Section 31, and he looked like he something to tell.

Agent: "Sir, Enterprise reported that they are standing by, Kelvin, Excalibur, Horizon, and Pacific are ready to attack Mira."

Fitzgerald: "and how's our ship?"

Agent: "the Vengeance is under final stages of construction."

Blue: "I request to work on the Skeld, with my friends."

Fitzgerald: "request: granted."

Blue: "thanks."

(To be continued in Battle of Mira...)

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