ALICE - Alive and Kicking

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I'VE CALLED AN EMERGENCY meeting of the All Good Things executive team to align on our emergent growth plan. Importantly, I plan to introduce the group to our newly minted Chief Operating Officer, who will lead the expansion into our second location.

"Thanks for coming in at such short notice," I say from behind the coffee bar. "I know you're all busy people, and it's awfully early for a Friday morning."

Around the makeshift boardroom table that I've created by pulling cafe tables together sit the people in whose hands I am entrusting my dream. Our dream. I hope like heck they're up to it.

"I had to bail on my trainer for this," pouts Joss, who is wearing a slightly ridiculous but no-doubt expensive head-to-toe lycra outfit. "I'm training for a triathlon," he adds, putting his hand in the air for a bro-high-five with Buddy, who is sitting next to him with a drowsy toddler in his lap. Joss doesn't know that, despite Buddy's size and naturally muscular physique, my co-founder eschews exercise in all forms. Buddy regards Joss's bro-hand warily and, after a moment of indecision, returns it with a light pat.

"A triathlon! That's so admirable," exclaims Natalie, a little too breathily, but it puts the confident smile back on Joss' face.

Eloise, who is here on the off chance that something PR worthy is discussed or decided, jangles her statement necklace irritably.

"If we could move the agenda along? There's a mutated chicken scandal brewing in one of our American poultry farms. I need to get across it before the vegan lobby sticks their nose in."

"Sure, okay, of course..." I begin only to be interrupted again by Joss.

"This 'mutation' malarkey again. Like the public isn't *asking* for bigger, juicier, and cheaper. Am I right?" He looks instinctively toward Natalie for approval again.

She is only too happy to give it, nodding ferociously.

Eloise puts her hands up in a 'don't shoot the messenger' pose. "No argument here. But between the GMO coffee beans and this... we need a top-quality distraction. Yes? So, let's have it, Alice. What are we doing?"

I look between them uncertainly. "I'm not sure this will qualify as breaking news, but I do have a couple of important announcements to make."

"Yes, announcements. I can work with that," says Eloise.

Joss smiles benignly.

"I'd like to announce that Natalie is being promoted, effectively immediately, to the position of COO of the AGT franchise and will be leading our expansion efforts on the ground."

All eyes move to Natalie, who is as surprised by this news as Buddy is, clearly, delighted; he claps his hands lightly, being careful not to disturb Angel, who is fast asleep on his chest now.

I continue. "For the Carvil folks, Natalie has been with us since day one. In fact, she is employee #1 and, in many ways, the very reason this cafe exists. I know she won't mind me sharing this, but she was living in shelters when we met. I'd see her day after day, living precariously, while office workers stepped around her, over her, looking past her as if she didn't matter. That awful juxtaposition — everything they had, everything she didn't — gave me the idea that led Buddy and I to start this place. We knew that if we could offer people in Natalie's situation steady work, safe housing and the opportunity to build experience, we would be doing something truly special in the world. Even if small. Even if we've only helped a few handfuls of people in our five years, those are people that are better off because of what we're doing here."

"Love all that," barks Eloise. "We can work with that, yes. Very strong! I see headlines."

I move smoothly toward my point. "So, Natalie, employee #1, went from server to barista to cafe manager. She understands everything a person could need to know about running one of our cafes. But most importantly, she understands the why. And that's why we want her to lead our operations. Joss, Natalie will be working closely with your team on the selection of our new location and all the ins and outs that go along with it. Expect her in the office regularly. She'll be the main point of contact."

Joss looks over at Natalie with a flicker of respect. She raises her chin and looks him directly in the eye without blushing.

"Okay, Natalie. You're on," he says. "Let's do this."

"Sorry, but..." breaks in Eloise. "I have an important question before we go any further. Natalie?"

Natalie turns to face Eloise, steeling herself for her first trial as COO.

"Yes, Eloise?"

Buddy and I exchange quiet, prideful, giddy looks between us. Our little Natalie is leaving the nest -- flying off toward the Carvil coop like a mutated chicken!

Eloise smiles broadly at her new, improved brand spokesperson. "My question is... can you dance?"

Natalie blushes fiercely and shakes her head. Out of the corner of my eye, I swear I see Joss taking her in completely for the first time.

I might be mistaken, but it's possible there could be orchids in Natalie's future.

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