Chapter 3

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Horace POV

"Want to go somewhere Somnusson?"

Did I just hear what I think I heard? Enoch was asking me if I'd want to go somewhere. I didn't reply. Upon not hearing a reply Enoch sighed and whispered a sentence that I couldn't make out.  The only reason that I didn't answer was that I think I might have a crush on him. 

I felt a yank on my arm and realized that Enoch was walking away. I thought he was going to take me to his room because of the way that he's been acting, but we actually went outside. He took me into the woods, a place I'd see  him go countless times before. 

We walked for a while, and eventually we reached this huge tree house. Enoch hadn't said anything for the past while so I decided to ask him a question. 

"Do you want to play truth or dare?" I thought that I could get to know the death riser in front of me, 

"Sure, whatever you want." He said after a minute. We climbed up the tree which was hard because we were handcuffed together. When we finally got up, I saw that it was a little work shop/hangout space. We sat down on the couch to play our little game of truth or dare.





Enoch POV

This is my chance to get to know the monopoly man a bit more. I think I'm going to start out with some easy questions and then ask a big one. 

"I'll go first, Horace truth or dare," I say with a mischievous smile on my face. 

"I think I'll go with truth." 

"Do you like all of the others including me?" I asked, curious to know the answer. He said yes. We played this for a while. He asked questions about my past loop, and I dared him to climb to the top of the tree. Eventually I decided it was time to ask the question. 

"Truth or dare," I asked a bit nervously, but you couldn't tell.

"Dare" Horace said. This was just perfect. Everything was going amazing.

" I dare you to kiss the person to your left." Horace turned a bright red and looked at me. For once in 100 years I ever so slightly blushed. He leaned in breathing heavily.  It was like we were made for each other, when our lips met, we started to move in sync. Soon enough it was a full on make out session. Once we had stopped kissing, a realization came over me. 

"We have to act like we hate each other," I said.


"If we still have each other, the bird won't separate us and no one will know what we did." I said this with a smile on my face. I felt like a genius. "We should be heading back now, it's almost dinner" With that we climbed down the tree and walked back to our house for 





It was hard to eat. Well, I don't eat much anyway, so I let Horace use our hand. But,I did keep the act up and say there and picked at my food like I normally do, but this time with my left hand.

After dinner we went downstairs so I could build my homunculi. I started building with the clay, but Horace got grossed out. Being an amazing whatever I am to him, I stopped. Horace was shivering and told me that he was cold. Because we were handcuffed we couldn't change without great struggles. We cuddled on my bed. To warm up, that is. For scientific purposes I kissed him, and like before he kissed back. Again, like before we started to make out, but this time I wanted to find his soft spot. I started to kiss his jaw, down to his neck, and when I reached his collar bone, he let out a loud moan. It was as if he couldn't be any louder. I sucked on his collar bone until I had left a mark, claiming him as my own.

A/N: Hey my friends are gone and I hope you liked this chapter. A substitute teacher got mad at me for making paper airplanes. Some are around the class. Happy earth day tomorrow, make sure to clean up the earth a bit. Hope you like it so far, and please comment or vote on this. Sorry it sucks, it's my first fanfic. Byee

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