Chapter 1: The Expierment

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A/N: this is from my one shots decided to make it a thing. I will be updating a new chapter sometime in the next week. I'm aiming before tomorrow to be done the one I'm working on, but that is a bit unrealistic. I will at least have it done before Wednesday. I just have alot of projects I'm doing is all.

I also made this one male because there's a lack of male x Peter's and I want to make everyone feel included

Peter pov

Dr. Fang led me down a dreary corridor in the facility. I was trembling lightly but swallowed my nerves to hold me steady.

"Now understand Mr. King this expierement is still in its early stages of development. We're not entirely sure if this procedure will work but you are still willing to participate?"

I relaxed my muscles as much as I could. "Yes, I need to get better. I've tried everything but I still can't let go of my destructive tendencies. If you say this project could possibly help me I have to try. I have to for him."

I clutched my chest as my rising heart beat was caused by the memory of y/n. I haven't seen them in quite some time now, preparing rigorously for this.

I realised a few months into our relationship we would never work if I continued to treat them the way I did. It was love, but I couldn't help but want to keep them caged and protected. I don't want to keep him like that, like an animal.

Therapy did no good, the meds I tried made me numb inside and when Dr. Fang approached me about this expierment I couldn't say no. I'm desperate at this point, I'd do anything for them. Anything.

We stopped infront of a large white door, it lead to an operation room. There was a small glass window that I could peer into. The room looked intimidating, even from out here. There was large equipment and nurses in hazmat suits. My anxiety rose but my stoic expression never faltered.

"Mr. King the operation will take a few hours but you most likely will be out for a few days. You might have some side effects like nauseum, blurred vision, ringing in the ears and possibly light loss of motor function."

Dr. Fang clicked his pen and focused on his clip board scribbling some things down. "Please understand there could be further side effects we are unaware of. You will be monitored after you return home."

I clasped my fingers together, twiddling my thumbs. "Are you sure this will pull the evil out of me?"

The Doctor paused his writing and gave me a glance before returning to his scribbling. "If all goes well Mr. King, you'll be as average as the next Joe."

He pushed the door open, ushering me into the room. "Are you ready? This is your last chance to back out."

I swallowed hard and reassured the doctor of my commitment. "Yes, I'm ready."

I was already prepared when I stepped inside. My usual outfit had been discarded at the entrance of the facility waiting for me after my recovery. Instead I wore a hospital gown which allowed the cold air of the room to send shivers through my body.

I was led towards a table where I was strapped down. The nurse made sure I was comfortable and I tried to hold a brave face. "It's for y/n" I muttered to myself.

The nurse finished with the straps and gave me a warm smile through the mask. "You'll do great, don't worry. Dr. Fang is a genius, he won't let a thing happen to you."

The small amount of comfort that gave me was ripped away as the room filled with chatter. There were six nurses and three doctors.

Leading them was Dr. Fang. I wasn't sure who everyone else was, but I could distinguish who was a nurse or a doctor based on the colour of there hazmats.

(your boyfriend X Male Reader AU) The Expierement Where stories live. Discover now