Chapter 2: Pedro

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Peter pov

"What do you mean he escaped?" I grit my teeth, the nicotine was useless to calm my nerves now.

"My appoligizes Mr. King, I do need you to return as soon as you can so we may properly discuss our action plan." Dr. Fangs voice wavered slightly through the phone.

"But I just got back, and y/n is already so mad. I can't just leave again.." I rubbed the top of my head in a calming manner.

"Mr. King, it brings me displeasure to put you in this position but if we don't act now, who knows what specimen Z will do."

I smashed my fist down on the railing of the balcony. "Fuck, okay you're right. I'll be right there."

I sighed and clicked my phone off. When I turned to go back inside I saw y/n through the glass. He was nervously preparing our coffee. I forgot how cute he was when he was nervous.

He made eye contact with me before I opened the door, my sad eyes gave away that something was wrong. When I stepped inside his curiosity examined me. "Whats wrong?"

I couldn't face him, my eyes fixed shamefully on the ground. He put the two cups on the table and looked up at me. "You're leaving again aren't you?"

I didn't say a word, just stood frozen unable to answer. He proceeded to sit down and grip his coffee with both hands. "I can handle it, whatever it is.. I'm not fragile."

I'm not so sure about that, I can't imagine someone so handsome and perfect not to be fragile. "I-im sorry, I don't have time to explain. Please forgive me." I stepped closer towards the table. I hovered over infront of them, there eyes never graced mine. They stayed fixed on there coffee.

They calmly took a sip. "Tell me now." He said. I felt a knot in my throat.

"I- have to leave my love, I can't tell you why, not yet." I tried to lift his chin, so his beautiful eyes would look into mine. He pulled his head away and suddenly smashed his hand on the table.

"I'm not some fucking toy Peter, tell me now!" He demanded. I wanted to cry desperately, but I had run out of time for this conversation, or this fight. I began to walk towards the door.

"Believe me y/n, I don't want to do this. I need to protect you, and this is the only way to do it." I tied my shoes and when I looked up at y/n he was standing by the table, fury in his eyes, grit in his teeth, anger spewing from every part of him.

I was about to open the door when I heard him growl in the most infuriated voice I've ever heard from him. "If you walk out that door right now Peter, you better not come back." I stopped dead in my tracks, turning so my body faced him and not just my head.

My heart crumbled inside of me and I could barely breath. "Darling, please." I begged him and he just shook his head. "I have had enough of your secrets, your sneaking around. I'm suppose to be your boyfriend peter, your partner and yet you won't talk to me about anything. I wanted to try and build something with you."

There fists relaxed and they broke eye contact, now staring at a spot on the wall holding back tears. "How am I suppose to do that without you. I don't know what's happening, but it's not good. W-what if you don't come back."

I shut the door and walked over to y/n quickly holding them close again. There tears remained held back but there arms held onto me for dead life. "I'll always come back for you, but I really need to go."

"Take me with you then." I pulled back from him so I could see his face.

"What?" I asked.

"Take me with you." His tears were no longer there and now he looked determined. "I want to go with you."

(your boyfriend X Male Reader AU) The Expierement Where stories live. Discover now