19. nerves

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The plan was to go out to lunch with Parker and his parents before the game so that he could be there if I needed moral support, then head to the arena together.

The Michigan snow decided to play a cruel joke on me.

Their flight was delayed, meaning I'm now meeting them at the arena, without Parker. I'm considering pretending I came down with the stomach flu until tomorrow.

"Kota, I swear to Harry Styles I will drag you in there by your hair." Ellie stands at the entrance, foot tapping the pavement impatient as she waits for me to move.

Her statement makes me chuckle, breaking me out of my trance as I join her, scanning our tickets and entering the cold building.

"You go ahead to concessions, I have to use the bathroom."

Ellie nods warily, unsure if it's a ploy to get her away so I can make a break for it.

"I'm serious," I laugh, "go." I lightly push her in the direction of the growing line.

I spend a few minutes staring into the mirror, trying to give myself a pep talk. What didn't help my nerves was Connor and Brooks giving me a list of all the things I shouldn't do this morning, saying it would make them hate me.

Love you too, boys.

Finally feeling less nauseous, I exit the bathroom and run right into a body.

"I'm so sor-" the apology gets caught in my throat when I look up, realizing the body belongs to none other than Josh. "Actually, I'm not sorry at all," I go to push past him but he grips my upper arm tightly, holding me in place.

"You and Cadell seem cozy," he pauses, smirking. "It'd be a shame if something happened to his girl," his grip tightens. "After all, you'd deserve it for stealing my El from me."

I grit my teeth, trying to keep from showing any pain. "Get the fuck away from me, jackass. You lost Ellie on your own, maybe you should learn to treat women with respect."

He only chuckles, leaning down to place his mouth right next to my ear. "Watch your back, Lowen." With that, he releases me and walks casually down the hall.

I shake out my arm, trying to get the blood flowing again as I blink back the tears welling up in my eyes. Not today, Dakota. I plaster a smile on my face and head down to our seats.

"There you are," Ellie sighs when I reach her. "I thought you left."

I grab some popcorn from her bag, chuckling, "I was thinking about it."

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Parker: Baby

Parker: Come down to the tunnel really quick

Parker: Rich is standing there, I told him to let you in

I show Ellie the texts before rushing to the main tunnel. This one directly connects to the seats, so it's normally only used for the Zamboni, the team opting to use the one by the benches instead. Rich opens the gate right up, having met me before through Connor, whenever he has a 'crisis' before games.

By 'crisis' I mean not being able to find his extra pair of socks.

Parker stands at the end of the hall, fully dressed out but wearing a backward ball cap instead of his helmet. He's been wearing them a lot over the past few days, noting that I only talk to him in the accent if I can see his hair.

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