Chapter one

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being the daughter of a powerful and feared man responsible for keeping a whole community—keeping YOU safe during the end of the world, sounds nice and cozy, and it is, except the parts that aren't so nice and cozy. Your father, Negan, sucks massive ass sometimes, but he's also a great example for you, not only for your survival, but on how you allow others to treat you.
  "Dad this really isn't necessary, we have plenty of-'supplies' at home, please save me the embarrassment."
you sat in the passenger seat with one arm wrapped around your torso and the other hand steadied on the dashboard, "sorry kiddo, all the wives started too, must be a new moon cycle or some bullshit, and you have enough for you bur they're running low."
At this point in the apocalypse the invention of a reusable pad or tampon should have made it to the saviors, but nope, you're all relying on primitive cotton technology.
  you rolled your eyes at the mention of 'the wives' you weren't jealous of the attention they got, you were always his first priority, but they just got a free pass from doing anything, everyone had to pull their weight except for them, even you had to scrub the occasional toilet, or clean up the dried blood  off the walls from what you prayed were from walkers.
  "So the plan is to burst through the walls of Alexandria and announce to everyone that your daughter is on the rag? yeah fuck that, I would rather go into an abandoned supermarket unarmed and blindfolded hoping to stumble upon the right isle  before my impending doom."
  Your father closed his eyes and nodded, he took a deep breath, "there's no delicate way to phrase this sugarcake, you can be a real b-word during your time of the month, but I assume you already knew that."
your dad has never sworn AT you, even when he really, really wanted to.
"am I a bitch or is your plan just dumb and rediculous and they will never look at me the same?"
  your dad smiles and looks at you before looking back at the road, "for your information I was just going to drop in for a regular supply pickup, and pull aside someone for the other 'supplies' we needed. super discrete.  I will always have your best interest at heart, please don't ever doubt that."
you felt bad about your little outburst, but your organs felt like they were fighting each other, you deserved to have just a little attitude.
"I know dad, but for gods sake  please drive faster I feel like my entire uterus is folding itself into an origami swan."
and just like that he started driving significantly faster, and you bent over in your seat and hit your head on the dashboard, slamming your fist repeatedly as hard as you could a little too close by your ear.
"be careful you don't wanna pop that air bag"
"I love you but please shut up before I claw your eyes out."
   you arrive at the gates of Alexandria  and pull through, you look down at everyone, part of you felt bad about the situation they've found themselves in, but the other part of you knew they were weak, and if push ever came to shove, negan would protect what's his property, and he would punish anyone who was insubordinate.
he got out first, then he walked over to your door and opened it for you, he held out his hand and you took it, using it as support for climbing down the stairs of the truck. when you got yourself steady on the ground he dropped your hand gently and turned himself back at the Alexandrians, "you know what time it is!"
The man you knew as Rick stepped forward, "you're early."
Rick irritated you in a weird way, you could empathize with him, he was trying his best to protect his son and daughter and an entire community of people, kind of like
your dad, but the difference was your dad has power and authority and Rick let things happen.
"We know what fucking time it is, but it doesn't matter, you know we can drop in at any time."
your dad looked down at you and smiled with pride, "What  she said."
  Rick nodded, "Give us a minute to gather everything up."
you look up at your dad with pleading eyes, he patted your shoulder and back at the crowd, "Someone please show my princess to the medical supplies. last time we were severely shorted and I trust her to keep everything straight."
Carl Grimes, the son of Rick, stepped forward past his dad, "I'll take her."
   you look him up and down almost in disbelief, who was this kid? you knew of him obviously, he wore an eyepatch and had big boots to fill, because even though Rick was weak, at one point he was a badass who killed many of your people.
  You met Carl's eye, you gave your best intimidating look, narrowing your eyes and straightening your shoulders, you two didn't break eye contact, you held an unspoken staring contest, he probably had an advantage, being as he only had one eye to hold open. A moment passed and Neagan  patted your shoulder and broke your stare from Carl, you looked up at him and he gestured with his head, "go on ahead we don't have all day."
   you stepped forward and started walking toward Carl, but instead of waiting for him to start walking on his own, you shoulder check him, not as hard as you could, but enough to demonstrate power.
  he picked up his pace to match yours, he opened his mouth but no words came out,  you continued staring straight ahead, "say it."
he turned his head toward you, his eye narrowing, "what?"
you continued, "you were gonna say something. say it."
  he swallowed before stating, "Who do you think you are. Demanding our supplies. To me you're just a bunch of cowards taking things instead of scavenging for yourselves."
  you smiled sarcastically, and you finally turned to look him up and down, "Because your people are weak. Your fear gives us power and control. Just  the way it is. You are our resources. People are recourses."
he scoffed and looked dead in your eyes, "You sound just like your daddy. Must have brain washed you good."
  your entire body fills with blinding rage, and without hesitation you push Carl  on ground, and as he turns on his side you put your boot against his face pushing it into the dirt, on his eyepatch side, " Call my father a coward  one more time and that face won't be so fucking pretty anymore. I think for myself, don't forget that."
    Carls' usually bright blue eye turned into a storm cloud as he grabbed your leg and twisted it. You fell to the ground with a thud.
Anger sparked through your entire being. You quickly turned on your stomach and leaped towards Carl straddling him. You got one good punch on him until he grabbed your fist and twisted you around. He pinned you on the ground stomach first, then pushed your head into the dry dirt. While holding both hands behind your back you heard his thundery voice bellow,         "Hmm guess Negan's little princess needs a few more fighting lessons."
    The anger building up inside you released. You quickly lifted your ass where Carl was straddling knocking him off you. You stood swiftly and placed your foot on his throat, then pulled out your gun, pointing it at his good eye, "You've got two seconds to apologize. Then you're gonna stand up and show me the goddamn medical supplies."
     Just then you can hear your fathers whistle approaching. He tsks. " Now, Now kids  why can't we play nice." His mocking tone matched  his shit eating smile. "Because this asshole can't keep his mouth shut." You hold the gun closer to carls head. Carl grins at you, maniacally. Your father could tell tensions where high "ok sugarcake, why don't we let Carl up so he can show you the supplies that you need." 
     You gave him a weird look. He was actually siding with carl? " Dad I don't understand your angle here." Neagan looked at you pointedly. " My angle, sweetheart, is what I have always said. People. Are. Resources. And Carl here is a great recourse to have. Now can I trust you to get to the medical supplies without killing him." You look down at Carl. His eye settled back down to blue and he simply looked impatient by this point. You slowly lifted your boot.
  you reluctantly held out your hand, he slapped it away and helped himself up, you held back the urge to spit in his face, your dad ruffled your hair and turned back around and walked away, you fix your hair and continue walking, Carl straightened his hat, you scoff, "your daddy was a cop?"
  he nods, "deputy."
avoiding any more conflict you nod and stay quiet, and eventually you both arrived at the building. "Alright here's all our medical supplies. Not that I think you care, but we do have three sick girls and one with a broken leg." You could see the sadness flash in his eye.
       You weren't as horrible as your dad. You slowly walk around the shelving. Searching for the one specific thing you need. There you see it. Tampons and pads. Now you know that pads aren't the most sanitary of things but during the apocalypse you never know when your next bathroom trip can be. So you take a box of pads.
     You look over at Carl who looks at you questionably. You brought out your bag and took a few more boxes, they were pretty small and you wanted to avoid another trip like this, plus your dad was saying something about his wives and  you wanted your own personal boxes just like they probably wanted their own boxes that none of you had to share. You turn and go to walk out of the garage building. "Wait is that all you needed?"
    Carl looked at you. Confusion settling on his brow. "Is that really all you needed?" You avoided eye contact. he had a look of absolute disbelief, "You  started that entire fight over some pads?! Oh I get it now, you got so angry because you're on your per-"
"Shut your fucking mouth! do you want me to take half of all your medicine? because I can turn myself around and take ALL of your shit if i want to!"
he rolled his eye and gestured with his hands to calm down, "would your daddy be mad if you didn't take half of our medicine?"
you paused, "he would be mad if I did. you have sick people, way more sick people than us, and if they don't have enough medicine and die, that would mean less of your people to provide for us."
  he was quiet, you shrugged, "what? we're called the saviors for a reason."
  your dad approached, "No new scratches or bruises, so I assume the play date went well! aren't you two just the best of friends now?"
  you scoffed and walked to your dad, "I would rather spend the night in the forest in a straight jacket than ever call that neanderthal  my acquaintance."
he smiled wide and looked over at Carl, "My girl is something ain't she?"
   he smacked his lips, "she's just like you."
your dad chuckled, "thank you! But she is the spitting image of her mother, even has her impeccable charm."
you look down at the yellowing grass at the mention of your mom, you healed from her death but the subject still stung, you looked back up at the both of them, before your dad took your bag, "feels a little light sugarcake..."
  you look at Carl than up at your dad, Carl's gaze burning into you, "they have many sick people dad, and they're just scraping by as is over there, if more of their people die, then they'll produce less and less. I took what I needed- what the wives and I needed."
he kissed the top of your head, "that's my girl, not only thinking for herself but also for others. I'm so proud of you!"
  you smiled up at him, then your look traveled to Carl, you held your hand out genuinely, "thank you for showing me the way Carl."
he hesitantly took your hand but held it firmly, the shake was silent until you made direct eye contact , "You made it difficult but thank you for understanding our situation."
you bit  your tongue and let go of his hand, you turn the other way and start walking with your dad, he puts his arm around your shoulder, "you'll never guess what they had for us today."
  your eyebrows furrow and you ask, "what?"
"they found fucking pop tarts."

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