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two hours have passed since Larson called for backup. Now, the whole junkyard had been turned into a dig site. He still had trouble fathoming what he saw. When he opened the bag and looked inside, what he saw was far worse than anything he'd ever encountered in his many years of being a detective. He'd seen murder victims, fires, but they could never compare.

Inside was the remains of a corpse. The body wasn't rotting, so it had to be recent. The corpse's body was separated into pieces. Limbs were removed, the head detached from the torso which was emptied of all of its organs.

Upon closer inspection, Larson noticed that the body parts were severed neatly. They weren't hacked off by an axe or machete. It looked as though they were amputated in a surgery. It looked like it was done in such a meticulous and precise way, that it couldn't have been caused by the average surgeon. Larson knew he didn't have the stomach to deal with this alone, so he called for a forensics team and a K-9 unit to investigate the area. Before they arrived, Larson couldn't help but keep wondering to himself who that lady was. Was it even human? It looked more machine than human. Had that thing caused this person's death in some way? Larson suspected that it might be tied to the Stitchwraith in some way. This all had to connect back to the Stitchwraith somehow. He just needed to find the right pieces to the puzzle.

However, once backup arrived, things only got worse. While Larson was being questioned about why he was there, another investigator pointed out another garbage bag lodged in the pile. When opened, it contained the same grisly sight, but this body looked more decomposed. The team started to wonder how many more corpses were in this junkyard, so they kept looking, rummaging through the junk piles. They kept finding more bags in the piles. Soon, they found a little over a dozen bags with mutilated corpses in them. As far as Larson knew, they would just keep finding more. Each corpse was in varying stages of decomposition.

A thought came to Larson's mind. What if these were the missing people from the unsolved cases? How many could there possibly be? Now, they were getting permission to dig up the ground in hopes of finding more bodies. Larson decided to go back to the office. He'd seen enough.


"You're sure it's her?" Larson asked, looking at the mutilated, rotting corpse of a teenage girl that was found in the junkyard.

"I'm positive. I've done the DNA test twice. It's a perfect match to Sarah Nichols." Tabitha replied. Larson sighed. The poor girl. He thanked Tabitha for informing him and decided to call it a night.

As he drove home, he couldn't stop thinking about the bodies in the junkyard. There were so many. How did no one discover them until now? Larson knew it was painfully obvious that that robot clown woman was the one responsible for those victims. She had to be. She was stuffing a bag into a pile of junk.

The way she looked as well gave Larson bad vibes. Her long neck, her slender body, her eyes, those green, glowing eyes. Larson couldn't say what, but something was telling him that there was something insidious about that animatronic. Yes, it did kill those people, but the motive behind the murders was still unknown to him.

Maybe it was helping the Stitchwraith in some way, Larson thought. It suddenly clicked to Larson. What if the Stitchwraith was collecting all of that junk to take to the junkyard in order to hide the bodies? Larson thought. It somewhat made sense. Larson then realized he didn't see any of the items that the Stitchwraith took in the junkyard. Then again, It was so dark, he could barely see a thing. He would have to go back at one point and examine the area himself. Of course, that might be impossible now.

Forensics was probably going to tear that place apart until they find all the bodies in that place. Just the thought of that many corpses being hidden in that junkyard made Larson sick to his stomach. Larson now understood what was at stake if he didn't catch the Stitchwraith. If it continues to remain at large, the whole town will become a graveyard. He had to find it and put an end to this madness.

"Son of a-" Larson shouted in surprise as he saw a figure standing in the road in front of him. He swerved to avoid it and hit a telephone pole. The impact knocked the wind out of him. His ears rang as he slowly managed to open the door and crawl out of his car. He laid down on the ground as he attempted to regain his strength. He reached for his phone, but he felt another hand that wasn't his own take it from him. He looked up, his vision blurry, and saw a figure with pigtails and glowing green eyes. It was the thing from the junkyard. She crushed Larson's phone in her hands.

"W-... wha-... what are... you?" Larson groaned. The woman shushed him and stroked his head gently like a mother would with her child.



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