Girl meets boy

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Riley and Maya are stood in the hallway of John Quincy Adams Middle School with the brunette texting on her phone and both are watching Lucas and Alora as the two talk and laugh together as the bell rings.

"Talk to him." Maya orders her friend.

Riley looks up from her phone and looks to the blonde "Why? We have a great text relationship."

"You know what's better than a text relationship?"


"You actually talking to him" Maya tells her as she points to the handsome boy "He's right over there."

Riley quickly shakes her head "Noooo! Too complicated over there" she waves her hands in her crushes direction "lots can go wrong over there. The only thing that can go wrong over here is if I go over there."

Maya rolls her eyes at her friend before turning her in the direction of a smiling Alora and Lucas and pushing her towards them. Meanwhile Lucas is starting to get annoyed with Riley's extensive texting but was brought up not to hurt a female in anyway unless it's unavoidable.

Alora is listening to a story that Lucas is telling her as she notices her older cousin standing behind the blonde and mouthing "hi" to him from behind his back. Lucas notices Alora's shocked expression but believes that it's from his story as he keeps talking and Alora just zones him out as she focused on the mess that is Riley Mathews and almost looses it when the girl starts to sniff him.

"Oh my God" Alora whispers to herself as Riley walks back over to a shocked Maya.

"How'd I do?" Riley beams.

Maya is still shocked by her friends actions "You smelled him."


"You smelled him is what you did."

Riley shakes her head and walks into the classroom "I walk through life, the way I walk through life."

Maya follows after her "Can we please talk about this?"Riley proceeds to text Maya, "Nope"

Lucas grabs Alora's bag and starts to lead her into Cory's class when he notices that she seems to be smiling and trying not to laugh. He's not upset or anything as he thinks she looks perfect with a big smile on her face but he is curious as to why it's there. "What's got you all smiley?"

"Just something Riley did. I don't know if I should find this funny or be very concerned about her "Alora told him before thinking back on her cousins actions "What type of cologne do you use Lucas?"

"Um, Giorgio Armione, why?"

"No reason, I was just wonder since Riley seemed to like it when she was sniffing you." Alora smiled as she made her way into Cory's class.

"Wait, she was what?!" Lucas called to her as he followed her into the classroom.

Cory is holding his cell phone up in front of his class,.

"You guys don't connect with each other. It's like you can't exist without these" he shakes the phone around "you use emoticons rather than emotions. You're an unfeeling generation of zombies". Riley and Maya mimic zombies eating each other "Stop eating her!"

Laura Myzell had walked into the classroom with a blank face "You're late, Miss Myzell." Cory tells her

"My goldfish died." Laura blankly told the class

"You see? This is what I'm talking about." Cory motions to a still standing Laura "Miss Myzell has clearly suffered a tragic loss. Yet, she does not seem in touch with her actual emotions!"

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