I did this to me.

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I did this to me; I was 12and not to mention naive at the time; didn't really have an actual real life crush on anybody before that and I guess one of the major reasons for that happening is that I had been detached from guys (except my father) since a very tender age and suddenly out of the blue my mom puts me in a tution that had some below average looking guys. Now, that I look back I can kind of relate my self to Prospero's daughter from the tempest, how she just fell in love with the only guy she had ever seen. So anyways back to the real story, there was this guy that I actually knew way before our interaction at the tution. Back then I didn't have any feelings rather intention of getting together with him. Like I said the *tempest* effect had happened to me .I was catching some good and real shit feelings towards him and I decided that I should let it out cuz way not make my life more miserable than it already is. Cut chase to 1 week before the "thing" happened, I got to know he has a girlfriend and then some of my friends got to know abt my thing for him and I kid you not for the first time in a long time my shit friends had actually given my some real ass good advice but then I am me so like a dumbass I confess to him. That below average guy said "I need time to think" well ok ; me after yearning for his reply got to hear it from one of acquaintance that he says no, he can't do it and BOOM.
I became the butt of the joke PPL started mocking me in every fucking way possible and along the process I started to pathologize this whole thing but that didn't help; cried myself to bed every other night.
That was a year ago; though I am still healing from the emotional damage of it but all I can say is that I shouldn't have acted on the arbitral feeling that just came out of the blue.
And well in the end I didn't need this unnecessary drama to happen to me didn't need to see the duplicit me, it had really exhausted me but am healing and I can't really blame anyone here cuz I DID THIS TO ME.

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