Uncover Your Life Script

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Did an in-person, residential workshop after 6 months. I had done only a couple last year and none at all in 2020. So glad to be able to post this picture instead of a zoom image.

This one was an "Uncover Your Life Script" workshop. In this people share the stories of their life right from the time they were born, exploring the meaning of what they share and seeing connections between their early experiences and who they are today. They take a big picture view of their patterns and articulate some of the coping strategies they used as little children that they are unconsciously following in their Adult lives.

It is a moving and cathartic experience for all involved. The healing happens in being able to share your story, parts of which you didn't even remember held such significance for you, allowing repressed feelings to surface, being witnessed and held by others and being witness to the stories of others.

I do these workshops in very small groups. I currently offer it only to those who have completed one year of TA (Transactional Analysis) training with me. The one year enhances the readiness in participants to access their own vulnerabilities and offer safety to others. Also, since we use plentiful TA theories to make meaning of experience, participants are familiar with the jargon of the workshop and already aware of unconscious processes and how they show up. It also allows time for me to build a trusting working alliance with them, that allows me to challenge boldly in the sessions.

If this kind of work interests you, please take the first step by joining the TA 101, the first 2-day introduction to TA. You could message me on linked in with your email address, The next one is on April 19th and 20th and I will mail a brochure to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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