The Variety Of Blue

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Brandon has been on Mantah-Corp Island for few days now. The reunion with his brother has been very heartfelt. He remembers the younger boy running into his arms with tears in his eyes and then crying softly into his chest. After some time passed just holding each other Darius started to ramble on about how happy he is to see him and how hopeless he has been before.

He then saw a bunch of other kids run towards him, most of them seemingly older than his brother. They all had hope glistening in their eyes which made his heart drop. How much had they all been through at such a young age?

They all told him their story of surviving while leading him to their hideout. They mentioned a guy named Kenji who apparently turned against them after all they've been through, the pink haired girl, Brooklynn, speaking about him with a heavy look on her face. She seemed to be the one who was affected most by the recent events.

He felt guilt over wash him. He could've gotten to them sooner and prevent everything that happened to them. But he just sat at home mourning over the brother he thought had died. He didn't even consider the fact that he could still be alive.

Well he was here now, with his brother at their hideout place. It wasn't anything big. A small clearing in the jungle where they build up some tents and a camp fire. The athletic girl told him that they had to hide from some Kash guy and Kenji's father because they wanted to get rid of them.

Brandon was introduced to a charming woman named Mae. He made sure to thank her right away for taking care of his brother and the other kids. She smiled and told him that there is nothing to thank for and that she's glad to have some support now.

The sun was going down by now. They all sat comfortably around the campfire, chatting happily. He learned all their names by now. Next to him sat Mae, telling Sammy who is sitting on the branch next to him and Mae a story from her childhood. Next to Sammy was Yaz who smiled contently at her. On the ground next to them sat Brooklynn who seemed lost in thought. They all silently agreed on giving the girl some space and not bother her too much.

On the tree branch opposite to Brandon, were sitting Darius and Ben who seemed to be in their own moment. Darius appeared to tell Ben something really exiting cause he had his usual expression of amazement he wears while talking about Dinosaurs. Ben was listening to Darius with a soft smile on his face.

He could't help but notice the way they both interacted. The way his brother's eyes always followed the older boy. The way Ben always stuck to Darius. Or the way they kept sneaking short moments of physical touch between each other. He barely saw them apart from each other.

Brandon never wanted to assume anything about Darius' sexuality. He rather wanted Darius to come to it on his own without being affected by any stereotypes his family put onto him. If he would teasingly ask Darius about any person he might like he always made sure to say „is there any girl or boy?" Instead of saying „is there any girl?".

He never saw Darius showing any affection towards someone beyond the platonic line. Until now. And it was honestly adorable. He wondered if they were officially a couple and Darius just didn't find the courage to tell him yet, or if they didn't confess their feelings yet. Brandon set the intention to ask his brother about Ben in the morning.

„It's getting late, time for y'all to get some rest" said a loud voice next to him that ripped Brandon out of his thoughts, it was Mae. He watched the campers go into their tents. Ben and Darius shared one, just as Yaz, Sammy and Brooklynn. Brooklynn used to share one with Kenji before he turned against them, so Yaz and Sammy decided to let her join. Mae and Brandon had separate tents.

He watched Darius walk towards him to give him a goodnight hug. He happily accepted it. „Good night bud" Brandon said while ruffling Darius' hair. Darius gigged while trying to push his hand away. „Night" Darius replied and went to join Ben in the tent. Brandon told Mae goodnight and went to his own tent.

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