Character Info/Background

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First name: Karma (If you don't like the name, you can always change it).

Last name: Snowball

Age: 21

Gender: male

Height: 190 cm

Weight: 110 lbs (There's a good reason why he's so skinny.)

Birthday: January 20

Blood type: A

Hair color: Completely black hair

Hairstyle: It's over his shoulder, and it's wavy.

Eye color: left eye is blue and the right one is a snake eye.

Species: Part snake


-Father: Dale Snowball (Deceased)

-Mother: Daniel Snowball (Deceased)

-Siblings: None

Note 1: There are 3 periods in the morning, one lunch break, and three periods in the afternoon.

-The first period: 8:40 to 9:30- Science

-The second period: 9:40 to 10:30- Math

-The third period: 10:40 to 11:30- Geography/History

-Lunch break: 12:30 to 1:20

-The fourth period: 1:20 to 2:10- Cooking/Baking

-The fifth period: 2:20 to 3:10- Art

-The sixth period: 3:30 to 4:10- PE


Karma was into the Snowball family, who owned the second biggest company all over North America. He's the only child of Dale's and Daniel's and the heir of the company. On the day of his birth, a group of mad scientists, and they guard's broke into the Snowball family home, killing the parents and taking the child hostage. They brought him to their hide out, where they were constantly experimenting on him, torturing him, and strictly teaching him how to fight in multiple ways. It went on for a good five years until their experiment have gone wrong on Karma's fourth birthday.

He had been turned into a giant black Anaconda under the eclipse and ate every single of them. Those who managed to avoid getting eaten were killed by his new fighting style or died by the deadly poison that have entered their bodies. The poor Karma turned back into his human form when the sunrise came up, leaving him naked with new extra parts on his body. His right eye is no longer human. He has an Anaconda eye, along with the black scale that covers that side of the forehead and around the eye. Most of His left shoulder and half of his left side is also black scale.

Half of his right leg is covered in black scale. His height is surprisingly tall for a young child and his stomach has 6 packs. He picked up some rusty and dirt clothes and had been living on the street, struggling to survive on his own. He relied on mice to feed his hunger since no one around would give him food. They shunned him and treated him as an outcast for what he has become. Karma spent his days in the public library, studying every subject until he memorized them. He then took the elementary exam and easily got in. However, he has instantly been treated as an outcast by every student, including the teachers for his looks.

The students would constantly writing horrible things on his desk and pulling cruel pranks on them. The teachers were much stricter and harsher to Karma than they were with the students. He was that hated by people that he had no one to rely on or a friend to call of his own or so he thought. He had one friend, but has lost his memories of him after a certain incident that causes him to forget all about him. The only thing he remembers is snakes being his only companions.

At the age of 10, he finally snapped when a group of students pulled the cruelest prank that everyone had ever did to him...Pour a huge bucket of pig's blood down on him from above in the middle of his presentation to the whole school. Every student, including the teachers, were laughing at him, mocking him. Karma just lost it and killed every single of them, not letting any teachers and students escape from him after he turned into a giant black Anaconda on the day of the eclipse.

Then he destroyed the school, kill 20 grown police men, 10 detectives with his deadly poison, and injured 15 citizens that got in the way. It took 30 men took pinned him down with very unbreakable chains and knocked him unconscious. He had gone through 3 different prisons around the world and destroyed them all, starting with killing and eating his cruel jail mates and abuses guards in his giant black Anaconda form to destroying the buildings down with his tail.

He spent three years in each provision before letting his snake instinct take over and eliminate everything in sight during the eclipses. He was 19 when they brought him into the court room. The judgement sent him to the most guarded and strongest prison that ever existed. He was locked away in a very tight room, covered in unbreakable chains and locks.

There was no way out of there, even if he transformed into a small version of Anaconda. Every eclipse, the scientists would put him in a very big room, having him chained down, and putting chemical in his body to tame him against his will before he turned into a giant black Anaconda and obeyed their commands.

Karma spent two years locked up in that blank room, day in and day out until they decided to give him a second chance to return to the society. The only thing he had to do was to prove to the high ups that he could change by going to college and graduated from there without killing anyone. They placed a electric collar around his neck that would shock him if he dared to try and kill someone or alert them if he went anywhere else other than school and home.

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