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Hi ! Just little one shot I had thought of, maybe I will make full version, MAYBE. Hope you like it, wish you nice reading.

Text- narrate
"Text"- persons talking
"Text"- persons talking from communicator

Night, the darkest part of day.

Berk, city with most crimes in whole country. Dangerous from every point of view. If you wasn't robbed here you are probably tourist or Maria boss. Trash on streets, police siren never get quiet. You either die here, get raped, sold at black marked or learn how to live in darkness of city.

Dark, always part of my life.

In city like this, there is no place in which you could feel safe, protected. Police working for godfathers, judges being bribe to lie. In world like this, there is no good or bad, there is no truth or lie, just business.

There is no escape from it.

At least, for Berks people, there is hope. Hope for better future. Hope for better life. Me, but truth is, I'm not. I'm not hope, I'm not Berks chance, I'm revenge, I'm vengeance. I'm Night Fury.

Just as you can't escape from future.

At the tallest of city'a towers black figure almost blend into darkness. His whole clothing, or rather suit whole black, big boots, gloves with dark blades, one of hands not even noticeable as it was hidden behind cape. Pants with belt at which was attached little metal knifes, his chest plate was just big armour. There wasn't visible any fragment of face, whole was hidden behind full face mask with dark purple eyes.

Just as you can't escape from fate.

Personage stood proudly over view of city. Watching like guardian he didn't consider himself as. View from there, even if it was at city as Berk, was breathtaking. It was sunset, some of sunrises came out from black, rainy clouds creating dark, but still beautiful scenery.

Just as you can't-

"Hey Tobias, something is going on in Thor's fabric. Better check this out."  Informed female voice from communicator.

-escape from me.

"Got it." He replied as he jumped, falling from building, getting on speed only to open hidden material attached to his back, which looked just like wings. He glided through city.

Meanwhile in place looking basement, by desk which was full of computers and papers sit short woman with brown hair and glasses. Hers bangs covered bit of them, she wore long braid, which was ended with black bow. Hers clothing reminded office ones, but much more messy. On chair was placed hers sweater which was long, knitted cardigan.

She was sitting rather inelegant, hers foots at desk, almost laying on chair. Hers yawns was getting longer ones with every minute.

"Night, when I will be able to go on some action?" She asked to microphone on desk.

"When I will say so" He answered harshly.

"C'mon" she sat up "everything I doing here is sitting by this stupid chair, in this stupid basement. You could at least get me better space, aren't you millionaire or something?"

"It's supposed to be secret, it's supposed to be hidden, you think I will buy you luxury office just because you don't like it?"

"Well, you could although don't leave me here with nothing to do" she laid at chair again with annoyed expression.

"First of all, I don't care what you want. Second of all it's not that bad, therefore you have friends rats under desk."

Calmly Hailey looked underneath just to see nothing."But there isn't-" she understood "You fucking- You wanted to scary me! Asshole... it wasn't funny"

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