Youtube Q&A

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"HEY GUYS WELCOME BACK TO OUR CHANNEL" we both said at the same time
"you guys have been begging us to do this so we're finally doing it today, so let's get into the video.

"when and how did we meet" kiyan read "we met in 2019 but we started dating during Quarantine in 2020" "do you remember the date we met?" kiyan asked "no... moving on" I said while kiyan laughed.

"what's our favorite color" "mines is red kiyan said "mines is blue" I said after him "next question, do we ever argue? "we don't really argue that much but it's usually Kiyan the one starting it. "no I don't" "why are you lying on camera" "anyway, next question"

"are we gonna get married in the future" "yea if we last that long" I said while winking "see this is why we argue all the time "why are you mad I didn't even say anything bad. "whateva" "is it that time of the month" I said making the puppy

"yo stop deadass" "aw guys Kiyans mad" "can we move onto the next question" "will we ever have kids" " nah next question "But I want kids"

"next question" "I'm serious Kiyan" " I am too" "I'm about to hit you" "go ahead but there's a camera recording you sooo" "you're about to end up single" "k, next question"

"do we travel together?" "yea sometimes" "how do our parents feel about us?" "lala loves me"
"she actually doesn't" "what?!!? "sike nah" he said laughing.

"Y/N's mom adores me, next question" "do we sleep in the same bed..." "ONLY when we have permission from our parents other then that I usually let her sleep in my bed while I sleep on the couch in my room"

"anyways guys that was the end of this video don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe and tune into our next videos if you want to see more pranks, and vlogs byeee.

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