Welcome Home

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I sat there for a minute, tears streaming down my eyes, then I stood up and looked around. I was in an alley way, but it looked familiar. I slowly turned around and saw the metal door that I entered at the beginning. I slowly opened the door, but there was just a brick wall. I couldn't go back and save them... They're gone...

I found my car and drove home. I sat on my couch in disbelief from what just happened. I started to cry as I realized that my friends are gone and I'll never see them again.

A year goes by and I haven't smiled ever since the incident, but I decided to go out for a walk in a field right behind my house. I drove to the field and sat down in the grass as I looked up at the clouds. I was zoning out, when all of a sudden I see someone in the far distance with light blue hair. It took me a minute to realize who it was.

"Luka?!" I yelled from across field.

The blue haired person perked their head up and turned around.

"LUKA!" I screamed happily and ran to him.

"LUNA!" Luka screamed as he ran to me.

We both ran to each other and I jumped into his arms as he spun me around. We both cried happy tears as we held each other in our arms.

"You have no idea how much I missed you!" I cried.

"I'm so glad that I was able to find you, dummy." Luka said as he played with my hair.

"I thought you died!" I said while I pulled away slightly to look at him.

"Are you kidding? I'm not goin down like that! We were able to kill the Animations that got us and get away, but the door you went it vanished once you got through, so we had to travel for a few months. Kat was the first one to leave after a week of searching, then Carla left after 3 more months, then I got here a month ago." Luka explained to me.

"I'm glad that you all are ok, are they from around here too?" I asked.

"No, Kat lives in Canada and Carla is from Connecticut." Luka said.

"Oh, well we'll have to pay them a visit soon!" I said.

"Also, I kept my promise." Luka said as he was getting down on one knee.
"For the past month I've been looking for the perfect ring for you, so Luna... Will you marry me?"

"Of course I will!" I said as I jumped into his arms and we both fell on the ground.

A few months later, we met up with Kat and Carla and moved close to each other, they were even my bride's maids at my wedding. Luka and I have been married for 2 months and we are currently expecting a baby. The Death Rangers still joke about entering the backrooms to this day.

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