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*Maggie's p.o.v*

The piece of paper Nash have me made me forget all the negativity in the world . It made me feel like I just had a fresh new start . The piece of paper said .......

Dear girl who ran out of the room ,

"I'm sorry that I don't know your name . I couldn't help but notice that you were fighting with someone in the crowd . I'm sorry for everyone staring at you and making you run out . I hate to admit this the first time I saw u I thought u were really pretty and I couldn't help but stare at u the whole time I was on stage. I don't know why , you just sorta stood out . You didn't blend with the others . And I hope we can meet up and hang sometime. Here's my number **********"

I couldn't help but smile . A couple min later I got a text from my mom reminding me that my flight leaves in 3 days . This made my smile go away and now I felt bad knowing I was leaving soon .
I look at the number on the piece of paper and text Nash "hey this is Maggie" and surprisingly he texted back within seconds "hey .. So u wanna meet up somewhere later ? Sorry if this is to straight forward. I mean u don't have to if u don't want to . "
I didn't know what to respond . Should I go ? What if I break down ? What if I have a total panic attack ? What if Tony shows up ? What if I don't stop talking and annoy him ?
Without thinking I texted back "yeah of course what time ? "
Oh god hopefully this goes well .


Hey guys imma try to update every day now to keep the story going hopefully u like it .. Comment any suggestions or what you want to happen next .. Thx

Falling  HardDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora