Chapter 4: That Was Not a Proposal!

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A/N: Um, I will be super busy until next week but hopefully I'll start writing a lot afterwards! Oh and more fan art by 1Ayato5 it is Rael! I love all of them, they make me so happy. They, Ayato, drew it for Easter, so happy Easter guys! Even though it's late... okay that's it, thanks for reading!


"Stay—still!" Peri was pushing me down as she tried putting the cloak on my back. I was squirming, trying to resist.

"It's too heavy! No way!"

"It wasn't a question! Stay still or I will be more forceful!" I stopped squirming and she restrained me. I felt the weight of the royal cloak, weighing me down even more. I was wearing a lot more than usual because it was the day of my debut. And with this cloak that was adorned in gold, it'd be impossible to walk or even dance without looking like a fool.

"Can I at least take it off when I'm dancing?" The stern look she gave me was enough of an answer. She carefully checked to make sure there weren't any wrinkles, adjusted the sash, and tilted my crown to the side. She took a step back and nodded. "I'm too good at my job." It was my turn to give her a look. I walked up to the mirror at the corner of the room, walked past several stressed attendants, and looked at myself.

My brilliant red hair had been combed carefully so that my crown sat snuggly on top of my head. My cloak, a royal blue, matched the red and white of my vest and shirt. The trousers were belted and I wore high boots that matched the cloak. I felt uncomfortable but I looked good.

I sighed as Peri grinned at me. She knew I liked this look. I reluctantly turned around and waited for her to bring perfumes and jewelry. This would take a while.

I put something in my pocket, for later. The guests should be here by now.


The ballroom was grand, big enough for a dance floor and several tables for the arriving guests to sit, stand, and mingle around. There was food set up and a few were already eyeing the dishes, looking hungry. I tried peeking longer from behind the curtains, but I felt a hand gently grab me and pull me away. I looked up and saw Peri smiling at me. And I knew that if it wasn't because we were in public, she'd be scolding me right now. I give her a shameless smile back before retreating to my spot. I walked past my family members who were preparing to step out as soon as the announcer began talking.

They were all dressed in royal blue, jewelry, and heavy makeup. Well, the last one was mostly Queen Clara as the men and boys had little to no makeup. They didn't even glance at me, nor congratulate me as I stood last in line. This was a fantastic birthday. Getting ignored is always better than receiving spite.

I looked around, already growing bored of standing in place, and noticed something peculiar sticking out. On one of the walls, a branch poked out. It was a dull brown, nearly melting in with the dark walls, had it not been for a blue leaf that was blowing gently. I felt the air. There was no wind?

I walked up to the branch, making sure Peri was out of sight and studied it. I poked at it and jumped when the branch grew longer. I watched in horror as more leaves appeared, and another branch emerged. It was growing! I was too fascinated to walk away.

"Don't tease the elder tree." I looked back. I saw Wei, who'd also seemingly grown bored of waiting, approach me. He saw the branch and as if acknowledging his presence, the branch stopped growing. Wei shook his head. "It's always in the mood to play." I looked up excitedly.

"Play? I want to play!"

"Are you sure? I don't think you understand what the elder trees count as playing." I poked the tree again as I shrugged.

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