Music Under Moonlight

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Description: Modern AU. A little angst. Zenitsu can play the violin in this AU. TanZen

3rd person POV:

The house was quiet and peaceful, the only sound being the soft rhythmic breathing of the people there. Everyone was sleeping peacefully in their respective rooms, everyone except a boy with blond hair and eyes the color of dark honey. The room he was in was illuminated with a pale blue light shining in through the window, his yellow hair seemed to light up slightly, casting its own golden glow.

The blond knew that he should be asleep but he was kept awake while being haunted with the memories of his past. Silent tears streamed down his peachy cheeks and soft sniffles filled the quiet room. His heart felt empty and hollow, how he wished that it would just go away but the memories played in his head on repeat. Showing him, reminding him that he was nothing. That he was worthless and that no one would ever love him for who he is.

He spent the next 20 minutes feeling nothing but self pity and anger when his honeyed eyes caught sight of something in the corner of his room. He got up slowly and made his way over to it, nearly tripping over a pair of discarded shoes. He reached and his hand wrapped around a cold and lightweight object, a violin. The same violin that he had stopped playing when he went through a heavily depressive state of mind a few months earlier that year. He doesn't want to give any details but let's just say that a hospital trip, major therapy sessions, and support from close friends and family slowly helped him out of it.

He smiled. Maybe he should play again for old times sake. He grabbed the violin and quickly shoved his feet into a pair of slippers. Very carefully he opened his bedroom door and made his way down the stairs, being sure to not wake up the other people in the house. The door to the backyard made a loud squeaking noise whenever someone opened it but now it was as quiet as a mouse when he opened it. Outside it was cold and windy, he shivered and wished that he had the sense to grab a jacket since his thin pajamas did nothing to block out the cold.

But there was no going back now, he made his way to the tree that was full of small purple flowers hanging limply from the branches, perfuming the air around him with their sweet scent. He looked at his surroundings and let out a soft giggle as he realized that it all looked something out of the fairytale books that he reads. The way the moon lit up the water in the small man-made pond and the wind made the tree branches in an almost dream-like way. It was definitely something out of a fairytale scene.

He lifted the violin up and held it in position. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, unconsciously he started to move the bow on the strings. He continued this until he found a rhythm he was comfortable with, "Remember, my little Sunshine. If you want your song to reach the hearts of your audience then dig deep into your own emotions and let them take over. Play with your soul and heart not your head" a woman's voice echoed through his head, "Play with my soul and heart. Let them take over" he whispered. And that's exactly what he did.

Sadness, pain, and anger came out first since those were his strongest emotions, then it was just sadness and pure sorrow. The air soaked up his music and carried it to the farthest corners of the earth, he continued playing despite the wind whipping his hair around him and fresh tears running down his face. When he came to the next note of the sad song everything was still, there was no movement besides the rising and falling of his chest as he took in big gulps of air.

"Zenitsu", he turned around and honeyed eyes met maroon ones. "Tanjiro?" he whispered, softly. The boy nodded and held his arms out, Zenitsu ran to his lover and jumped in Tanjiro's arms. The red-headed boy caught both of them so that they wouldn't fall, "I thought that you-", "Shh it's okay now. I'm here." Tanjiro said, running a hand through long blond locks of hair. Zenitsu stood on his toes and captured Tanjiro's lips, pulling him into a sweet kiss. "Can we go home now?" he asked, giving Tajiro his famous puppy eyes. "Yeah, let's go home. We have some people waiting for us" Tanjiro said.

They locked their arms together and walked off, passing the body that leaned against a peach tree. A relieved smile on his face, long blond hair flowing around him. His honey-colored eyes could no longer be seen and the soft beating of his heart could no longer be heard. Next to him was a gravestone that read:

"Here lies the body of Tanjiro Kamado

The eldest of five children

Great Son

Loving Brother

And Amazing Future Husband"

Wasn't this such wholesome story?😊

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