. : Please Stay : .

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It was the middle of the worst heat wave in Minecraftian history. It started when summer, well, "started earlier". It was Spring, almost Summer, then the heat broke out. People thought Summer had just come early, they rejoiced, but then It lasted the rest of the summer and even went into September. Scientists predict that it could possibly go on into Winter. And it somewhat made sense, Minecraftia had no exact seasons, the weather was how it was, but normally, they had set seasons and that's how the weather was, but this was the rare case that it want off schedule.

The celebration did not last for long, not when the heat started to disable people. Whole rivers were drained, keeping fishermen from providing food, Deserts became deadly, making it hard for builders to get glass, which made them unable to finish many projects. But the worst of it was the people who lived in the icy biomes, ice dragons, arctic foxes, and any kind of frozen creature or place you'd ever seen were starting to melt along with their home. But of them all, the snowmen had it worst. There kind was dying off faster than a speed 10 potion could take you. Melting. So the Minecraftians made their best efforts to save them. Hiding them in freezers, letting them melt in buckets to try and save them til after the heat died down. They would do basically anything to save them.

But even with all their efforts, the snowmen were still melting. Some so paranoid from being in a confined freezer for months, that they would brake down, go into the baking sun. At least they were free for their last 5 minutes of life. For some, they never made it to the over-packed freezer.

One of the many snowmen affected by it was Baki, a youtuber known for being in the videos of his best friend, Bodil. Before the Wave, they did everything together, but now, Baki is stuck in his very own confined freezer that Bodil had set up specially for him. Bodil will sit in the cold freezer as much as he can with Baki, but he can't spend every minute there, he still has youtube as a job. At this point Baki is soon to crack...I mean, you and I would to if you were used to being free...

Oh so very free...


I walked along the cement path along with all the other heat struck Minecraftians. They all looked so sad, but most people were, now a days, always stuck in a heat-induced depression. Some were that way because they had lost something...or someone. But most were just that way because the heat had disabled them, kept them from working, learning, living.

My eyes caught sight of the facility where they kept my best friend, well, second best...after Double. It was a giant stone building that, before the wave, was basically just meant for frozen food storage. Now, it was home to over 200 snow...people? One of them being Baki. I know he didn't like it very much, but he pretended to enjoy it, for me. He'd known I'd gone out of my way to get him his own private room in the freezer, where he wouldn't be bothered by other depressed snow creatures.

As I approached the building, I started to hear a faint sound of shouting. I sped up, from what I could make out, there was someone trying to escape.

"Don't let him through! He'll melt out there!"

"And more importantly, Bodil will be pissed if we lose his best friend!"

I broke out into a sprint, not caring about the boiling heat. I finally realized what was happening.

Then I saw him. He was fast for a creature who was melting in the process. He ran right past me.

"Baki!" I shouted at him. He turned around for a second to look at me, the turned back around.
I began to start chasing him, which didn't take very long, considering his legs were melting in the process.

"Baki," I panted out. "We have to get you back to the facility, your safe there."


"Come on," I huffed. "Gimme your arm, I'll carry you there"


"Fine," I wheezed. "I'll go get the guards and they'll hel-"


I stopped talking. "I'm not gonna make it back to the facility" He said calmly. "I'm melting to fast."

My eyes widened "No no no no no no, you will. I can sprint, and get help! Baki, please stay! I can't lose you! Your one of my best friends!"

Baki smiled softly, a tear slipping from his eye. "I appreciate that Bodil, but your to worn out from chasing me, you'd never make it to the guards in time. And besides, if you tried to lift me, I'd probably just melt faster."

Bodil felt tears swell in his eyes as Baki's arms started to sink into the ground. "T-there must be something we can do."

Baki frowned. "I don't think there is Bodil."

Bodil kneeled down to Baki's level, which was getting lower by the second. "Why? Why did you run?"

Baki lowered his gaze. "Because, I would rather die free than live caged."

Bodil put his head in his lap and began to sob. His best friend was committing suicide and he couldn't stop it.

 Bodil looked up a few minutes later. He saw Baki grin at him one last time, then the snowman dissolved into a puddle of dirty water that drained away into the sewer.

Bodil grabbed Baki's iconic red scarf from the puddle. He hugged it and cried. He already missed Baki so much.

He looked over at the sewer drain. The water that was Baki was slowly  draining away.

Please Stay...

Don't drain away

Author's Note:

This is short and bad and done at 5 am to 7 am lmao

I'm so sorry I could have done better forgive meh pls QAQ

Thanks for letting me do this Swift! :D

. : Please Stay : . (Bodaki Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now