Chapter 1

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A/n: To be honest, I want to take a break from the original story. Don't worry, I ain't dropping it, just wanna take a break from it.

A serial killer got owned by workaholic.

3rd Pov

As Y/n trudged tiredly to his apartment, he doesn't notice he was being followed. This continue for a while until Y/n just about to enter the building of his apartment. He got asked for direction from his follower.

???: Hello there, may I ask you the direction?

Y/n : to where?

???: To the afterlife , kid.

The stranger then put out something from his pocket and holster it to Y/n's chest.

Y/n: what is this?

???: Your demise.

Suddenly, the stranger felt something on his cheek and finds his balance losing and falls. The scene transitions to Y/n who is moving his hand to where the stranger cheek used to be in slapping motion.

Y/n: Ah, reflex

A/n: Damn it , Y/n!!! Control your damn reflex , idiot. You guys , check on him!!

The Counter side Crew is sweatdropping especially Mina the main character who is stupefied by situation.

Y/n's Cooking

Y/n is seen in kitchen wearing apron. He then scoops rice from rice cooker to a bowl. Then, he makes Onigiri from it using many variety of fillings. Meanwhile, Mina who is done practicing acting is walking and smells something from hallway that lead to kitchen. She goes to kitchen finding out Y/n is in the kitchen and enters and stop at the table he is at.

Mina: What are you doing, Y/n?

Y/n: Just some Onigiri. Want some?

Mina: Sure.

Mina then take one Onigiri and eats it. Suddenly, she stopped and looks at Y/n. Seeing Mina reaction, he asked worriedly.

Y/n: You okay, Mina?

Then, Mina just devoured the whole Onigiri at her hand shocking Y/n and Mina then grabs Y/n's shoulder catching him offguard. Seo Yoon who is also hungry is walking to the kitchen after the smell going out and she goes to investigate and sees Mina and Y/n in their moment earlier , she then gains tick mark and goes to them.

Seo Yoon: What are you guys doing? Huh?

The two looks at them and Seo Yoon notices Mina's mouth is bigger and sees traces of rices at Mina's mouth.

Mina: hws foud ish goodh.(His food is good.)

Seo Yoon: What?

Y/n: uh, I made some Onigiri. Want some?

Seo Yoon then looks at the Onigiri I made and takes one and suddenly stopped and looks at Y/n worrying him. Seo Yoon then grabs his shoulder terrifying him after Mina.

Seo Yoon: Maks morss(Make more.)

At that moment, Y/n onigiri became popular after that.

A/n: i know my humors is not that good but constructive crititism is appreciated. 

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