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Junkyu was furious when he saw Mashiho and Doyoung together on the grass smiling at each other. He immediately wanted to kill Doyoung at that moment. He left and went to stay with his brother Yoshi to get it off his mind but it didn't work

It was nighttime and he left Yoshi's room and headed back to his room

He opened the door and saw Mashiho fighting the air with a sword

He immediately remembered about him being with Doyoung and got angry

He walked to Mashiho and held his hand. Mashiho looked at him in confusion.

"What were you doing today when I was at the assembly?!" Junkyu shouted making Mashiho flinch

"Woah calm down, I was at the garden with Asahi" Mashiho said wondering why Junkyu was so angry

"Then after the assembly?!"

"Oh I was with Doyoung, we really didn't talk that much–

"What did I tell you about talking to him?!" Junkyu shouted

"Uhh I don't think I was listening when you told me that" Mashiho said reluctantly and was about to walk out but Junkyu held his hand and pushed him to the wall

"I told you not to interact with him and what did you do? You smiled with him, you sat with him, you spoke to him when I clearly told you not to!" Junkyu shouted

"Yah! Why are you shouting at me?! And so? Me speaking to him is none of your business!" Mashiho shouted and pushed Junkyu away

Junkyu pushed him back to the wall and pushed his shoulders to the wall as he spoke

"None of my business?! It clearly is my business! You are my Queen not his! You belong to me not him! You are under me!–

"What nonsense are you spouting?! Your Queen?!" Mashiho scoffed "You literally kidnapped me and forced me to be your Queen! I never wanted to in the first place! I don't even belong here!! And no I'm not under you! I'm on my own! I don't belong to you!" Mashiho shouted back at Junkyu

"You don't decide who I speak to, let this be the first and last time you come to me like a mad dog yelling because of whom I speak to, understood?" Mashiho said in a low voice looking into Junkyu's eyes

Mashiho did not even let him speak, he removed his hands from his shoulders and walked to the bed

Junkyu poked his cheek with his tongue in anger


Mashiho sat in front of the mirror drying his hair, he saw the door open and Junkyu walked in, they locked eyes through the mirror but Mashiho was the first to remove his eyes

Mashiho got into the closet and dressed up, he tied his hair in a bun, he wasn't in the usual queen's attire, he wore a fighting attire

"Where are you going dressed like that?" Junkyu asked when he saw Mashiho walk out of the closet

"Don't worry, it's no where near Doyoung" Mashiho spat in a harsh tone

Junkyu quickly caught that he was still angry over last night. He walked to Mashiho who was sharpening a sword

"Mashiho" he called and Mashiho stopped his action in response

"I'm sorry for yelling at you yesterday, I was just furious because I was afraid you would get close to  Doyoung and get hurt" Junkyu apologised

"It's my problem if he hurts me not yours" Mashiho said while glaring at Junkyu

".Sorry" Junkyu apologised

Mashiho clicked his tongue "Yeah Yeah I forgive you" Mashiho said making Junkyu smile

Mashiho looked at Junkyu " I never thought a day would come where you would apologise to me but oh well, It's because I'm Mashiho and no one can live without me" Mashiho said and Junkyu immediately flicked his forehead

"I was doing great before you came" Junkyu said and Mashiho dramatically gasped

"Oh really? Then I guess you don't need me here" Mashiho playfully said and turned to leave

Junkyu's eyes widened, he thought Mashiho took his words to heart, he immediately held Mashiho's hand and pulled him to his chest

He wrapped his arms around Mashiho's waist
"I didn't mean it that way" Junkyu said softly

Mashiho smirked "Of course I know" Mashiho circled his arms round Junkyu's neck

"Hmm this position really says a lot, why don't we just...take things to the next level huh?" Mashiho whispered into Junkyu's ears and then leaned out and pouted his lips in a kissing form

Junkyu felt hot after hearing what Mashiho said, he saw how close their bodies were, he pushed Mashiho's lips backwards using his palm

"Stop being naughty" Junkyu said and removed his hand from Mashiho's waist

Mashiho couldn't believe Junkyu blushed just because of his actions, Junkyu's face was red and his ear tips were red too. Mashiho smirked knowing he had an effect on Junkyu

Mashiho decided to tease him a little more

"I'm being naughty?" Mashiho asked softly tracing his finger on Junkyu's chin

"Naughty kids always get punished...won't you punish me?" Mashiho said looking at Junkyu

Junkyu gulped, it was the first time he felt so aroused, Mashiho looked so undeniably beautiful close up, his eyes traced his face

From his big pretty eyes down to his pink plush lips, Junkyu gulped at the thought of kissing them

Mashiho smirked seeing how Junkyu was lost looking at his lips

He pushed Junkyu to the bed and slowly straddled on him, Junkyu's eyes widened at Mashiho's actions

"The naughty ones are the prettiest...don't you find me attractive?" Mashiho asked as he bit his lips

Junkyu was on cloud nine watching Mashiho, he felt weird as he would say

"I-you..n-no you-you are p-pretty-very pretty" Junkyu stuttered as Mashiho leaned in

"Really? Then kiss me" Mashiho said and licked his lips when he saw Junkyu looking at them

Junkyu gulped and leaned in to kiss him but then Mashiho leaned out

"Now look who's under who" Mashiho said and smirked, he got up leaving Junkyu on the bed

"You're fun to tease, I didn't know I had so much effect on you" Mashiho said and chuckled

"Well then, I'll get going" Mashiho said and winked at him. He turned to leave but Junkyu pulled him back to the bed

"You can't start something and leave it halfway, take full responsibility of your actions" Junkyu said and immediately collided his lips with Mashiho's

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