The Multiverses? (Prolouge.)

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[A/N: Nyx won't be a huge presence in this fic, I would like the BNHA characters to experience all of the universes raw, to me it ruins the fun of it when they're explained too much. Universes will be long, and I suck at writing angst and actions scenes but I'll try my best I'm not the best at writing but I'll get better as we go.]

[📍Most characters will be OOC you have been warned.]

- UA Dorms, 11:55am, Saturday-

As the sun shines on the dorms, Nyx walks into the common room to see a very excited Mina and most of her drowsy classmates and friends. "Uh Mina? What's going on here?" Nyx questions as xey raise an eyebrow. "Well, since you told me I could bring some friends to witness the Multiverses, as you put it, here we are!" Mina states, bouncing on her feet like a child on Christmas morning. A very tired Jirou leans on Yaoyorozu -who looks like she's been awake for hours and is drinking tea- for support so they don't fall asleep standing up. Kirishima, who looks about as excited as Mina, is supporting an equally energetic Kaminari and Sero at his sides. Midoriya, who is squeezing his hand weight, is standing next to a alertly awake, Uraraka, who is playing with her Squish-mellow, a Todoroki who is eating cold Soba, and an Iida who is cleaning his glasses.

"So what exactly are the Multiverses?" Kaminari addresses Nyx. Before Nyx can answer xey are interrupted by Momo answering for xem, "Uh I think it's related to The Multiverse Theory! It suggests that our universe has hundreds if not; billions of galaxies, which are never ending." This resulted in various "Oohs." of understanding. Iida nodded, "It also says that there may be an entirely different universe, distantly separated from ours." He added to Momo's explanation chopping his arm. "That's right, and I can show them to you! First; however, I must set up a place to do so." Nyx seemed to think for a second before continuing, "I should also consult with your teachers to see if it's okay to stea-borrow you for a few hours at a time." and with that Nyx's body glew, turning into a light blue orb, and zipped out of the room.

-12:45pm, UA Dorms-

Everyone was now fully awake and hanging out in the common room. "So, what do you guys think we'll see?" Koda was, surprisingly, the first one to speak up about it. He had also asked the million dollar question. "Well xey said multiverses? So I can only assume we'll see other universes! Maybe even alternate versions of ourselves?..." Midoriya trailed off getting lost in his thoughts. "Oh? That'd be super cool! Seeing different versions of ourselves in different situations!" Mei said as she walked into the 1-A commons. "I agree it'd be very interesting." Momo stated returning into the common room with a tea tray in hand, and with Bakugou trailing behind her. Bakugou, also carrying a tea tray, stated, "Don't get too lost in your thoughts there, shitty nerd!" After his statement Bakugou handed the squad their tea, getting a few excited gasps and statements of "thanks!"

As Mina went to say something, a blue flash of light cut her off. Nyx had returned, still a light blue orb, with Aizawa, Midnight, and Present Mic. "Good news, Nedzu has agreed to let me show you the Multiverses! The okay(bad) news is that your teachers are joining us." This news resulted in some of the students groaning and cursing quietly. "I have also been given permission to bring you to the theater I have built off the school!" Nyx floats to a door -that definitely wasn't there before?- "Well? Come on! I have some great stuff in here and the Multiverses await!" The door opened and the students+the three teachers walked into the theater room. Most students were in awe that Nyx was able to build something like this.

Behind the door was a massive theater room filled with beanbags and chairs of all colors, shapes, and sizes. Along the far corner was a long table: which Sato had approached as soon as he walked in. He had touched it with his hands causing it to light up. As the table glew under his touch: a pitcher of Tea and an assortment of cups appeared. This was followed by a banquet of food. "Oh yes! That is the banquet table. You are free to get food and drinks from there! The table keeps the food fresh and the drinks cold." Nyx stated as xey smiled at the students and teachers.

"Everyone feel free to choose chairs, bean bags, and resting spots as you please. You can leave the theater at anytime, I will not keep you here against your will." All the them nodded but the students had a feeling they (besides maybe Shinsō ) probably wouldn't want to leave. Because free food, drinks, and a few movies (multiverses), honestly didn't sound that bad to them atleast. Aizawa begged to differ. A person shows up out of no where claiming to be a God? Sure xey had great power but that didn't mean xey were a God. Naturally he was skeptical and the others weren't worried enough in his opinion.

- 1:12pm, Nyx's theater room. Time skip brought to you by Mo, J , and Mi talking about music-

Once everyone was seated Orb Nyx produced a clapping sound to get everyone's attention. "Alright everyone I hope your ready! These multiverses will have a variety of ranges. Some will surprise you." Orb Nyx's color flashes purple. A remote materializes in Izuku's hand and he looks at it in curiosity, Nyx takes it gently from his hands and holds it up so everyone can see. "This is the multiversal remote. Whoever holds this remote can choose a universe that seems interesting to them on the multiversal TV!" Nyx hands it back to Izuku and proclaims, "Midoriya will start us off! Oh, right! This remote also has Tuesday in it, my AI. You can ask it to filter the results and for information on the universes!" Nyx paused then added, "There is also a possibility that you could gain something from your counterparts, just thought you should know!" With that Orb Nyx closed in on itself and disappeared in a flash of light.

The students moved their bean bags around to where they wanted to sit. These seating groups consisted of
IzuCrew: Uraraka, Mirdoriya, Iida, Tsuyu, Tokoyami, Mei, and Todoroki.
BakuSquad: Bakugou, Sero, Momo, Denki, Jirou, Kirishima, and Shinsou.
U.R.Squad: Toru, Koda, Shoji, Sato, Aoyama, and Ojiro.
TimeCrew: Aizawa, Midnight and Mic.

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