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[ The Screen suddenly cuts and bold words dance across the screen; A FILM BY PAITYN J. PARKER:]

Said girl blushes red when the entire room glances at her with amused smirks while Tony takes it upon himself to ruffle her curly hair making Paityn immediately protest in annoyance

" Not my luxurious locks!!" Paityn said with a playful glare while the adults in the room chuckled, already growing fond of the teen.

[ The screen cuts to the beautiful scenery of NYC—Queens to be exact ....

" Queen—its a rough place, but Hey it's my home" Paityn says in a obviously fake gruff voice.

"Queens—try Brooklyn kiddo, it's bad at night " Steve said smiling fondly at the girl , Bucky nodding in agreement with a small smile, both gtowing fond of the curly haired kid. She reminded Steve and Bucky of Younger pre-serum Steve. Always happy, and full of innocence and purity... Ahh the good ol days-literally.....

[ Who you talking to?" Happy says as the screen flips to the front seat, showing Happy driving.

" Ohhhh uh, nobody! Just making a little video of the trip...for Me...Ya know?" Paityn says in a overly energetic and bubbly voice.

" You can't show that to anyone kid—You DO relize that, right?" Happy said with an irritated voice.

" Oh yes, uh huh—I know!" Paityn says energetically with a happy smile. Even a blind man could tell she was happy and full of youth and energy.

" Oh come on! It's not like she's a spy or some threat!" Bucky and Steve Mumbled in irritation while the adults in the room mumbled similar things. I mean you can obviously tell she was just an overly excited kid. No harm.

["Than why are you talking in that...that voice?"Happy questions suspiciously. Who was she going to show anyway??? Spys? Assassin's?? Super secret agents?

"Oh, um...well it's fun and I'm in a good mood!!" Paityn squeals]

Paityn blushes as the adults give her fond smiles.

" You're adorable kid—I'm keeping you" Natasha exclaims smirking at the girl, further embarrassing her, much to her and everyone else's  amusement.

["So uhhhh—why do people call you Happy ??You don't seem very happy to me!"Paityn said innocently ]

Ppfpf! I'm sorry ....I fucking love this kid..." YoU dOnT sEeM vErY hApPy To mE!" Sam laughed , falling off the seat he was in.

" I didn't mean to sound rude I was just saying what came to mind!!" Paityn said defensive, pouting while everyone laughed. Seeing the frustrated pout Zemo chuckled again.

" It's okay маленький" (little one), children have little to no filter and are usually blunt " Zemo said chuckling fondly at the teen.

[ The Screen changes and shows Paityn still filming as she hops out the limo and walks towards a private plane. Tony's private plane.

" Come one, I'm not holding your bags kid!" Happy urged while Paityn shifted the weight of her bags to hold her camera properly.

" No pilot !? Wickeddddd!!!!!!" Paityn dramatically exclaimed before sitting down across from Happy–who gave her an irritated look. Not that she noticed or cared for.

" Is that where your sitting?" Happy questions rolling his eyes.

" Uh...yes! Why???" Paityn questions tilting her head, making her curls fall in her face.

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