Chapter 4

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The day turned into night and my stomach started growling. I went downstairs and found me some cup noodles. I peeled the cover off and poured water into it. I must had been making a lot of noise because Ace came out of his room.

"You know I would've gotten you something to eat, all you had to do was ask." Ace grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. I ignored his comments and just placed my noodles in the microwave.

"Jean? Have I did something wrong?" he asked confused.

I took a deep breath, "Nah, I was just trying to remember the time we fucked! Yeah, I heard what you said to your lil midget friend."

He rubbed his face with his hands, "I'm sorry Jean." Ace said.

"Fuck your sorry Ace." I gave him a look, "You must be ashamed of my past but you know what, I'm not because everything I do is for Rue to have a smile on her face! So fuck you for judging me." I shouted.

"You don't know what I've been through, is this what you want?" I asked stripping naked in front of him. " An easy fuck?"

"I promise it's not like that Jean. I was just fooling around when I said that!" he admitted. "I'm not trying to use you for your body, you can put back on your clothes." He sighed. "Then what the fuck do you want?" I asked.

He grabbed me by the waist, pulled me in closer and kissed me. I pushed him off and slapped him. "Don't touch me again!" I cried


"Hey!" Rue said sitting beside Ace on the couch. "Wassup lil mama?" He smiled at Rue. "Can I ask you something?" she queried.

"Do you and Jean like each other?" Rue interrogated. "Because I seen you two kissing last night."

"Well, I mean I think your sister is wonderful but I don't think she feels the same about me." Ace expressed. "Maybe, I could put in a good word for you." She gave him a light nudge. " I wouldn't mind having you as a big brother. You know because you can beat up all the boys who break my heart." They both shared a laugh but it was cut short, when he heard his front door open.

"Ace I didn't know you hired a maid!" Imani said after Jean opened the door. She walked into the living room with Kace. "Daddy!" he yelled jumping on Ace's lap in excitement. Ace hugged his son back, "Hey man, I miss you." he kissed him on the cheek. Imani has been keeping him from Ace since they've broken up.

"Thank you for bringing Kace but I'm pretty sure I said I'll meet you." he said.

"Yeah but I needed to talk to you about something, it's important." Imani said staring at Rue.

Rue just sat there staring into space. "Do you mind lil girl?" Imani asked annoyed.

"Next time, you want me to leave the room, use your grown woman words and ask me , okay?" Rue rolled her eyes and walked upstairs.

"What is it?" Ace placed Kace on the ground and handed him a toy out of his bag. She pulled out two pregnancies test.

"This don't mean shit to me!" Ace said confused. "I'm three months," Imani continued. Three months ago, Ace and Imani went on a one month vacation with their friends. So, Ace knew there was ninety nine percent chance this child was his.

Ace sighed, "I still want a DNA test, when the child is born."

"That's fair," Imani agreed. "What does this mean for us? Because I miss you and I wanna make things right again. You don't miss me?" she caressed his hand.

"Yeah, I miss you a little bit!" Ace admitted.

He heard his front door slam shut and he knew Jean overheard his conversation.

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