Chapter 22

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Ramses Alexander sat in the interrogation room, looking around nervously. He'd been brought in alongside his sister and lawyer, but they'd immediately been split into separate rooms. It was clear by the look on his face that he was worried, annoyed and more than a little confused. His body shifted, like he wanted to stand up, but wasn't sure he should, so he'd settled for a strange little wiggle as he stared at his reflection in the glass.

On the other side of the glass, Mary observed him alongside Nickie and Julian, who was looking bored, though she was beginning to think that was his default expression and that there was something going on in his mind, just that he wasn't very good at showing it.

"So, you're going to start with him?" she ventured, trying to break the silence.

He nodded casually, sorting through his notes. Eventually he seemed to have them in order and looked up. "I want you to stay here, it'll be best if it's just the two of us."

Nickie cocked her head, "By two, do you mean him and you, or you and me?"

"Us. You and me. And him also, of course."

"Right. Shall we?"

They left the room and a minute later the door to the interrogation room opened, prompting Ramses to jerk upright so that he looked like he was at attention.

Nickie entered first, walking slowly as he eyed her.

"I want my lawyer." Was the first thing he'd said since he'd been placed in the room.

"As you were told on the way in, Mr. Gold is in another room," Julian said as he entered. "If you want another lawyer, you should have called one, but feel free to not answer any of our questions until one arrives."

"Julian." The word dripped with disgust and a bit of other foul feelings.

"I am Detective Drake, this is Detective Foster and observing us from the other side of the glass is Inspector Tate, who will ensure that nothing here is against protocol," Julian said, ignoring the glare he was getting fixed with. "Before we begin, are you comfortable, can we get you anything?"

"I just said, I want my lawyer. I guess you haven't gotten any better at listening to people since school, not that that's a surprise."

"I did hear you, after all, I explained your options on the way in, didn't I?" Julian continued in an even tone, ignoring the hostility in a way that made Mary wonder about him.

"Then I ain't tellin you shit."

"That's fine, it's your choice if you want to cooperate in this investigation, but be aware, resistance will be seen in a negative light. Also, these proceedings will be recorded, for the benefit of all parties involved, not to mention possible court proceedings. If you would acknowledge that you have been made aware of these things, we can proceed."

Mary honestly wondered if Ramses wasn't going to just sit in silence, in some manner of protest, but he seemed to get that it wouldn't make any difference, so he shrugged and said "Sure."

"Very well. This is in regard to the Katrina Sabbatyne assault, which you have been questioned about on two prior occasions. Is this correct?"

Ramses crossed his arms as his eyebrows crawled together. "You really want to pin this on me, don't you?"

"Not in the slightest, but whether or not you've played a part in it is something that I aim to discover."

"Oh, sure it is, you want me, expect me to believe that you don't hold a grudge against me?"

"For what?" Julian sounded genuinely confused.

"Fo...What do you mean, for what?! For everything that happened in school! For everything that you put me through, that you framed me for!"

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