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Drake's P.O.V

"Drake! Drake wake up!" 

I feel myself getting shaken awake. I lazily open my eyes and find Mike semi-violently shaking me awake. I close my eyes again and turn away from him. 

"Five more minutes Mike..." I mutter, trying to go back to sleep, but Mike shakes me awake again. 

"Oh no you don't. You're not going to sleep. This is important." He says flipping my body to face him. 

"Cant it wait until 10 AM at least?" I ask. 

"Nope." He replies. He then hands me a newspaper. "Read the third article." 

I open my eyes angrily and tiredly before taking the newspaper. I look at the headlines before coming across one that made me wake up instantly. I rubbed my eyes and looked again in case I was seeing things. But of coarse, that's never the case with me. 

"You're kidding..."


"Are they seriously looking for employment at Fazbear's Fright?"


"So this is why you woke me up this early." 

Mike nods. 

"So, you're thinking what I hope you're thinking, right Drake?" 

"Uh, I'm not entirely sure. It might just be me being tired though, but-"

"If you get the job at Fazbears Fright, you can visit Springtrap five days of the week without needing to sneak into the building or anything like you did six years ago. You won't have to worry about whether you'll ever see him again." 

Mike was right...If I did get the job, then I would be able to hang out with Springtrap all the time. And I wouldn't have to be sneaky about it either. Plus, I've had my fair share of experiences Freddy's. 

"Hmmm. You're right about that..." I say scratching my chin.

"You see?" Mike says putting the paper on the bedside table. 

"We should get ready and go as soon as possible." I say getting up out of bed and start heading to the shower. After twenty minutes of us getting ready, we get into the car and start driving back to the attraction. When we get to the attraction and walk in, we see a bunch of people already there. 

"Damn, didn't think this many people wanted a job here." I say to Mike. 

"Yea, this is quite the turnout." I hear a male voice with a New Jersey accent say from behind me. Startled, I turn to face the person who spoke to me. He was a tall, muscular man wearing a pair of black jeans, brown boots, a white shirt, a leather jacket and a gold earring. He has black hair, a scruffy beard and mismatched eyes, one grey and the other green. He has a smirk on his face and a small scar above his eye. He puts his hand in his pocket and looks at me with an intrigued smile. I notice Mike giving this man a death glare.

"Huh, never met someone else with heterochromia before. And with such an interesting colour too." He says. 

"Are you trying to flirt big guy?" Mike says angrily. 

"Mike, cool it." I say, squeezing his hand. 

"Oh? What ya getting so defensive for? Scared I'm gonna steal ya man?" He says with a smug smile. Mike clenches his hand around mine tightly. 

"So what if I am?" Mike replies defensively. All of a sudden, the guy laughs. 

"Whats so funny?" I ask. 

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