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It was like adrenaline rushing through my body into even the tiniest veins in my small body as the excitement of playing the role of leader increased and the ability to host events increased, despite the mental and physical hard work that was required. I loved the feeling of adrenaline rushing through my body, even feeling it through the tiniest veins in my small body. The excitement of being a part of an extraordinary event and the opportunity to learn, make errors, and find answers to problems that will benefit you for the rest of your life.However, despite the mental and physical toil, the restrictions that I was forced to impose felt like an invisible cage, like a bird stuck in a cage with the ability to learn to fly and embrace the wildest opportunities, but because of the cage surrounding it, it felt like a bird unable to see its truest opportunity, stuck in its cage forever afraid of breaking the cage up, knowing the wonderful opportunities that can be embraced have finally come to an end with the tears that had been running like a river and a heart with pain.

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