ThorinxReader: Farewell Song

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It was the day of the funeral, and you felt you were definitely not ready for this, physically and emotionally. You were still recovering from battle injuries. But ever since the day you and Thorin spoken your last words together, you'e been an emotional wreck. Everyone had tried their best to comfort you. Even Fili, Kili, Bilbo and Balin done their best. After slowly getting dressed, in a gown of all black, you finished your outfit with a veil to wear. Once you finished dressing, you attending the others to the funeral of The King. As you entered the Tombs, Dain, now the new King Under the Mountain, greets you. "On behalf of my cousin's company, and my kinfolk, I am asking if you will do the honors of a tribute song for my cousin, Thorin?" asked Dain. You looked down at your feet sadly. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I don't think I'll able to do it." You replied.

Dain smiled sadly, as he took your hand. "I understand how difficult this is for you, Y/N! You loved my cousin very deeply, a love that will always will remain with you. But its time now, you must stand strong, for everyone here, especially Lady Dis and her sons." said Dain. Dain was like a brother to you, and you two had been great friends since you first met him on the battlefield. You took a couple deep breaths and sighed. "Okay, I will sing." You said. You stood in front of the Thorin's tomb. "This song was one of my favorites back where I used to live." You spoke, and then you began to sing:

Somewhere Out there

Beneath the Pale moonlight

Someone's thinking of me

And loving me tonight

Somewhere out there

Someone's saying a prayer

That we'll find another

In that big somewhere out there

And even though I knowhow very apart we are

It helps to think we might be wishing

On that same bright star

An when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullabye

It helps to think we're sleeping

Underneaththe same big sky

Somewhere out there

If love can see us through

Then we'll be together

Somewhere out there

Out where dreams come true

When you finished your song, it drew everyone in the room in tears, including Thranduil and Bard. You bolted out of the room, in tears. "I'll go and talk to her." said Balin to Dain. Dain nodded. Balin shortly found you sitting alone in your room. "Lassie, are you alright?" asked the old dwarf sitting next to you. "I'll be fine, it will take Balin." You said quietly. Then you looked up at Balin. "Balin, I'm going to leave Erebor and live with Bilbo. Staying here wouldn't be the same, without Thorin. Don't worry, I will write and visit as can!" you said to Balin. "It's your decision, lassie! You are more then welcome to come back if need me. We're going to miss you terribly." said Balin. "I'm going to miss all of you too, Balin." You said.

And the next morning, after you said your farewells, you leave with Gandalf and Bilbo on the journey to the Shire.

The End.

ThorinxReader: Farewell SongWhere stories live. Discover now