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Dear dairy
Last week Thursday his name is Marcus and I like him alot since he came.
Alot of people say we should date even my teacher thinks we would look cute together.
He flirts with my everyday I think that'd why I've been so happy recently but today was different..
We had a test to do and he kept asking for this sling thing in my hand so I gave it to give and when I was he kept touching my hand then after that my teacher was writing a math question on the board about deposit and credit and she used me as and example and Marcus she said if Marcus took mikaela to chikfala and they use 12.12 and got some new shoes after she said that everyone started saying oooooo my teacher knows I like him but my friends ex told me he flirts with every girl so idkw but I got sad an kinda mad bc I thought he was different from the other boys but I'm not that mad bc y would he like me when there are girls way prettier than me but I guees that's how my day or I guees week went

Date:April 21,22

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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