The Worsts Nights

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A/n Pretend that the picture on the left is one of Lily and James, and the one on the right is a picture of Harry and Rose. Also I know that the Longbottoms were tortured after Voldemort vanish but for the sake of this story it happens before.


It had been over year since the Potters had gone into hiding. Rose was now three years old and Harry had just turned one. Sirius Black had convinced James to make Peter Pettigrew to be their secret keeper.

It was August 13 at night. Alice Longbottom had just put Rose in bed. Neville the son of Alice and Frank was in his crib asleep. Both Neville and Rose shared a room since they both were young. Alice and Frank were cleaning up the house when there was a loud bang. Neville woken up due to the loud noise crying. Alice quickly ran to the bedroom to calm him down.

Frank looked out of the window to see what caused the sudden bang. That's when he saw the Lestranges. He quickly ran to the room his wife and the children were in. He warned his wife to hide the kids. Alice was about to hide them but it was to late. The death eaters were already in the house.

Bellatrix came into the room the family was in laughing like a psycho. Frank and Alice hold out their wands pointing them at Bellatrix. The rest of the death eaters soon came on as well. At this time both of the children were awake. Rose was behind Frank, while Neville was in his crib behind Alice.

Frank shot a spell at the death eaters only for them to deflect it. Bellatrix quickly disarmed Alice and Frank. The death eaters beside shot the cruciatus curse at Frank and Alice. The pain the two parents were horrible but the three year old behind them thought that seeing it was far worse. Both parents were on the ground screaming in pain begging them to stop.

Bellatrix looked at the little girl who was backed up against the wall and smirked. "Well if it isn't miss Rose Potter." The little girl was trembling in fear holding onto the necklace her parents got her. Bellatrix then held up her wand pointing it at the girl saying "oh this won't hurt at all." Before hitting her with the cruciatus curse "well at least not for me" she laughed.

The three year old was screaming at the worse pain in the world. All she wanted was the pain the stop and her parents. By now Neville was crying his eyes seeing his parents be torture. Alice and Frank were begging them to stop torturing Rose and to leave Neville alone. After awhile Rose passed out due to the pain while the death eaters kept torturing Alice and Frank.

After a few more hours the Longbottoms have gone insane. They were twitching on the floor looking into outer space. Rose was still passed out on the floor her chest slowly rising and falling. Neville was still in the crib unharmed crying. Before the death eaters fled the scene they took Rose.

Minutes later aurors and the order came the house. They found Frank and Alice on the floor and Neville in his crib. The order knew that Rose was with the Longbottoms, so they searched for her but with no luck of finding her.

Dumbledore made a visit to the Potters to tell them the horrible news. When the news was told Lily burst into tears sobbing loudly, James stared at Dumbledore in shock and sadness. His little girl was taken and was most likely dead.

After weeks of searching Rosalie Potter was considered dead. But little did anyone know was that a little red head girl showed up at an orphanage with the name Rosalie Kingston.


It was October 31, Halloween night. The Potters we're inside spending time as family. "Alright it's time to put Harry to bed." Lily said to James making him pout.

"Oh come on Lily flower just a few more minutes," James said with a pleading face. Lily just shook her head and pick up Harry. All of a sudden there was a bang. James looked out the window then yelled "It's him Lily take Harry and go!"

"But James!" Lily tried to talk James out of it.

"Go Lily I'll hold him off!" James told her. "I love you."

"I love you too," and with that she ran upstairs to the nursery.

By some miracle Voldemort was defeated that night. Not only did Harry Potter lived that night but so did James and Lily Potter. The only one missing was Rosalie and the family thought she was dead.

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