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As you may know now, St. Trinity School for the Gifted and Talented is an absurdly long name for a school and serves no real purpose besides being a playground for the rich kids of today's society; nonetheless we pride ourselves in having a 4% acceptance rate with exceptions of bribery.

Our founder, Howard Winsor was the main baseline for our school. He believed that the world was our oyster and we should have the choice to choose where we, students, wanted our education to lead us. In the earlier years of the school's opening many passed with flying colors, but it has slowly descended to the point where parents will just throw their kid in this school and hope for a good outcome. Call it child-led, though rumors caution you from attending this school, I can proudly say it hasn't turned into a shitshow yet. Yet.

Anywho- our hierarchy. Confusing yet easy to understand if you're smart enough.

The Council
Those that are a part of the Council have the ultimate responsibility and power over others, they take care of things that administration is supposed to do. Including expelling students. Teachers are lenient in giving homework to them for the reason that the Council takes care of their paycheck. Usually consisting of six people.

The Lapdogs
Unofficially referred to as lap dogs, they are people who have relations to the council members, leaving them unharmed. People tend to disappear if this unspoken rule isn't followed.

Club Executives
Those who are club executives run clubs and are at the beck and call of the Council, they have a tendency to serve as Council assistants.

Just like the name, they're normal. They tend to be on the poorer side and on scholarships, as of late they've been preyed on by club executives and lap dogs. Interestingly enough, the Council has done nothing to remedy this.

Tiers are essentially the grade you're in, why they call them tiers; I'm not sure. Example, if you were in kindergarten you'd just be called Tier K. It is intolerable if you flunk a Tier, this results in immediate expulsion.

Council Elections
Students of all ages are supervised and consistently checked upon by the Council to see if anyone will qualify for their position, if so they will immediately undergo tutoring for the position but it isn't uncommon to just be given the position without further notice.

They're named after personality traits 'usually shown' in those age ranges which I think is completely bogus. Though not mandatory, it is recommended that parents let their children live on campus.

This is where the Tier Pre-K, Tier Ks, Tier Ones, and Tier Twos stay since they can't be trusted with the other elementary students. This building is set near the edge of school and has a built in daycare. It's usually on the emptier side as the parents would rather have them reside at home. These dorms do not have working kitchens and they are required to go to the cafeteria or could ask daycare staff. There are laundry rooms in the Courtesy dorm but they are worked by staff instead of the residents.

Where the more mature elementary Tiers stay which consists of Tier Threes, Fours, Fives, and Sixes. These dorms also do not have kitchens, these Tiers have the tendency to go to the market instead of visiting the cafeteria. There are community laundry rooms but they've been run by the staff for awhile now due to the pranks pulled by the previous inhabitants.

Where Seven and Eight Tiers reside, their dorms are more high functioning but their dormitory has the most cases of burning down, being rebuilt a total of five times.

This dormitory is complete with Tier Nines, Tens, Elevens, and Twelves. Each Tier has its own floor and it's one of the largest buildings on the campus, even having the shop next to the building for convenience.

Each Council Member is assigned to watch their Tiers. Each council member comes from their Tier respectively, things such as a Tier Nine holding the position of a Tier Twelve is not allowed.

Whoever is given this position manages the rules and regulations having to do with the school as well as paperwork. They essentially enforce things, like a president.

They keep the Club Executives in check, while carrying out orders from Twelve. Are able to enforce when Twelve cannot.

They look over the funds for clubs and keep track of the school's spending, even going as far as to regulate the staff's salary. A treasurer.

They play little to no role in planning, they are meant to get schedules and things of the like from Seven and Eight. They make morning announcements and explain changes that are made if any. Their time is mostly spent sitting in the broadcasting room in the Council building.

Seven + Eight
Responsible for the planning of events and activities for the whole school with some guidance from Twelve. Despite the seemingly large job placed on two intermediates, it has gone incredibly well for the past seventy years.

The possible elects are even more carefully monitored by the Council to ensure they've picked a qualified person. The reason that only one person is chosen out of the elementary Tiers is because the older council members cannot be responsible to handle everyone as they have their own tasks. They are occasionally allowed to help with the planning of events with Seven and Eight.

In conclusion, my mission to help you better navigate our school has come to an end though make sure to keep an eye out for me. Valerie Kellerman signing off. <3

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