(02) m a t c h

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Fidgeting was uncommon for a Malfoy. It was a sign of weakness and that feeling was a burden on a person which was forbidden in her father's household. Daenerys had a name to uphold but as she watched Neville Longbottom fidget under Professor Sinistra's harsh glare, she couldn't help but chuckle. Yet Potter spoke up and once again she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. It was not a secret to know that Harry James Potter had a hero complex of some sort, it was annoying, yet she regarded her curiosity towards him as a secret. If anyone were to know how she watched him from a distance, it would raise eyebrows and capture the attention of her father who would not take such an action lightly.

When their professor deemed their class over, she along with Pansy walked out of the room. It was then that another Slytherin - Patty had shoved past Hermione Granger who looked offended at the action. Pansy noticed this and a sneer made its way onto her overly glossed lips. Daenerys merely continued to walk not wanting to see the outcome of the action, the bushy-haired witch had two annoying dogs at her beck n call, one that came in the form of the boy who lived. So the outcome of the scene playing out before her was predictable.

"You know Daenerys, I think that Granger has a stick up her arse. Just because she hangs out with that stupid clone and Potter, she thinks she can act however she wants." Pansy spoke up, her face was contorted with disgust and it was evident who it was aimed towards. The students around cleared a path as the two Slytherins walked by, after all, it was an unspoken rule to not try to infuriate a pissed-off Pansy Parkinson.

To cross paths with a pissed-off Parkinson would be either a death wish or one would receive public humiliation. Both of which are just terrible choices in general. Perhaps if Granger took this hint, her headaches wouldn't be coming and going so often. As they walked down the halls of Hogwarts, the two girls found themselves at a silent pace. That was until they walked into their dorms to find more girls were relaxing. Each girl was sprawled on the couch or chairs within the room and gossiping. Yet as they stepped into the warm room full of chatter, the room suddenly grew silent as the two walked in. But of course, Patsy's demeanor shifted to that of a more girlish attitude.

"Has anyone seen Blaise's physique?" She asked blushing, which released the tension within the room. Another girl, Vanessa, agreed and gently grasped Pansy's cloaked arm. Daenerys merely shook her head lightly and sat down on a free chair by the fire, luckily all the boys were out which is why the girls were taking advantage of this to gossip about boys. It was a rare moment and sometimes she wished she were able to partake in such gossip, but she didn't really understand the girls' taste in boys.

"You know Pansy, you and Blaise would make a suitable pair." Daphne spoke up with a mischievous smile. At this, the dark-haired girl blushed but it was soon wiped away by a frown overtaking her features.

"My mother actually has a match planned out for me." She spoke up. Daenerys kept a careful eye on Parkinson, knowing what she was talking about. For a pure-blooded child, matches are quite common. It is to keep the blood pure and strong, it was an unspoken rule in the society. It was no surprise to Daenerys that Pansy's parents had a suitor ready for her. Various girls shared a look of pity towards Parkinson, but the girl waved it off.

"He's quite the looker, too, so I don't mind it too much." Yet her eyes said otherwise, but Daenerys wouldn't push it. She didn't really care how the girl felt about the choice made for her, everyone has choices made by them - especially if the parents were overly involved.

"I'd reckon if Potter was settled in our house he would be a suitable match as well." Daphne spoke up without much thought into who exactly she mentioned. Perhaps she said it without thinking, after all, she was pretty daft at times.

"Merlin Daphne, Potter of all people?!" Astoria scolded her younger sister with a look of disgust, though a few of the girls within the room agreed with silent nods. Pansy herself even stopped Astoria's scolding as she rested a painted finger under her chin, deep in thought.

"You know, she's right. Even though I despise bloody Potter and his two pathetic underlings, I can see why she would say that. Don't you Daenerys?" As she said this, Daenerys noticed the spark of mischief in Parkinson's eyes and she gave a pointed look towards her. She rested her gaze at Parkinson, not giving in to her comment.

"Potter is nothing but a disappointment to this wizarding world-" Another girl cut her off with a shocked gasp. Pansy scrunched her nose at this and glanced curiously, the girl was Vanessa Levou. A talented herbalist who favored the idea of peace over any bullying which was a rare trait in the Slytherin household.

"I could honestly see it, Daenerys is THE pure-blood amongst anyone else and with Potter's background, it would be a suitable match. A shame he is tainted with the Gryffindor traits though. It is deplorable. " At this, the girls lightly agreed, Pansy shifted the conversation upon noticing Daenerys' look of annoyance.

Daenerys rose out of her seat and excused herself to her room. Her relationship with Potter was confusing, that was the easiest way to describe it. There was nothing more to say on the matter, at times they were at each other's throats. Potter would be looking at her with the most loathing look she could think of and she would mirror the same look towards him. It was known that both teenagers despised one another. They had yet to be civil with one another, but during the games where Diggory lost his life, she remained neutral towards him.

Something held her back from going all out during their standoffs and in return, he wasn't as hateful towards her. She wasn't sure what changed or what happened, but Daenerys had no answer. Perhaps she wasn't as smart as she made herself out to be - but this was something she'd never admit aloud.

- - ┈┈˃̶˂̶┈┈ - -

The classroom was bustling with a light mood, something that the students in the class welcomed. There was no Professor in the Dark Arts room and as a paper bird lightly flew around in the class, she found herself smiling. She sat in the far back beside Blaise who looked bored as he watched the bird flying around. Students were roaring with life.

"That is the most childish thing I've seen in my life."

"Then have you not watched The two twins resembling rodents?" She replied with a teasing grin which caused him to smile back lightly. He merely nodded in response and the room got silent as the remains of the paper bird withered down on a desk.

"Good morning children." The voice was light and a short woman dressed in pink stepped out. A wide smile on her wrinkled face, Professor Umbridge.

"Bloody hell you've got to be kidding me." She muttered under her breath. The short and stout lady was adorned with pink. If anything - she resembled a pink toad who was smelling something repulsive.

Short chapter to let you all know that this story is continuing!

let me know about your thoughts, what do you suppose will happen?

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