Chapter two

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Tyler Blanc, Lead guitarist and Lead singer,

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Tyler Blanc, Lead guitarist and Lead singer,

Tyler Blanc, Lead guitarist and Lead singer,

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Danny Blake, Drummer and singer,

Danny Blake, Drummer and singer,

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Nalia Que, 'FanBase'

 (Y\N) (L\N), Bass Guitar and Back up singer,

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(Y\N) (L\N), Bass Guitar and Back up singer,

Band practice.

Readers POV:

After the lecture for being at the theatre, I still have no idea why it's such a big deal, were my thoughts as I went to Danny's House, we usually had band practice at 10, but a lot of things on our schedules changed so now we've changed the practices to 5, Ok, so about the band, It started when we were in the second grade, it was a joke that we started but then it turned into something serious, The band, Sunset stars, weird name, yes, but we were 8-9 and talking about the stars that came out when the sun was setting, Danny is on drums, Tyler is on guitar and lead singer, I'm on bass and the back up singer, I'm not a huge fan of singing so I stick with that, and then we have Nalia as, let's say our 'fan base' She and Natalie are our biggest fans, anyways, As I'm walking to Danny's house I ran into Nalia. Tyler basically lived at Danny's So we already knew he was there, when we arrived at Danny's we knocked four times on Danny's garage -which Danny's dad sound proofed- Tyler opened the garage door, smiling when he saw us, "hey, Everything is set up, Danny has gone to get us some water and snacks," Tyler spoke, Eyes sparkling as he talks about his boyfriend, I was distracted by his hair- "well, your hair is extra curly today," I pointed out, "do something different, Trying to impress your boyfriend?" I teased, Watched as Tyler's cheeks grew red, "Stop teasing him (Y\N), we all know that Danny makes his hair extra silky and soft to make it easier for Tyler to comb his fingers through it." Nalia Laughed, before tying her bright red hair into a loose ponytail, "Ok! So, I've got a couple water bottle and a can of soda each, I've got some Watermelon, Strawberries, Gummies and others," Danny said, Walking into the garage with two trays, as he puts those down we all make our way to the instruments, we all get into position, Nalia watching and taking some notes, we start playing 'more tears' -I know the instruments don't go with it but I love the song-

Tyler: "sometimes I feel that there is no one that sees me,"
Tyler sang as he nodded for me to sing with him,

Tyler and (Y\N): "no one is there who knows what's needed to please me," we smiled, nodding,

Tyler: "but then maybe, maybe that one could be you," Tyler smiled as he looked at Danny,

Tyler: "I gotta' find one who can see me," He sang, Closing his eyes.

Tyler and (Y\N): "the one who knows, knows how to please me," the both of them sang, smiling widely.

Tyler: "but then maybe, maybe that one could be you," Tyler stared at Danny, winking when he caught his eye.

Tyler and Danny: "I long to see your face! You tell me it's best to give you space~ and now I cannot even hear your voice,"
The two sang together, Staring Lovingly at each other.

Tyler and (Y\N): "now the problem that I face, find more tears for you" The two of them sang, in the zone.

Tyler and Danny: "I only see your face! Time will not allow it to erase, I crave the time when you and I embrace!" Tyler moved closer to Danny, Pressing a quick Kiss to his cheek when they stopped singing for a second.

Tyler, Danny and (Y\N): "now the problem that I face, find more tears, find more tears, find more tears, find more tears," they finished, laughing and high-fiving,

"That was Awesome!! And Tyler, it's adorable how you pressed a kiss to Danny's cheek," Nalia teased, patting Tyler's curly hair,

"Thanks Lia, can't wait for Natalie to hear it, she's gonna go ballistic," i laughed, Picturing my younger sister smiling and clapping her hands wildly.

"I can imagine, she's to adorable for her own good," Danny giggled, curling Tyler's hair.

Before we could play another song, Danny's dad came in,
"hey, are you guys staying tonight?? We have plenty of food," Mr Blake questioned, taking a strawberry from the tray.

"Yeah, I'd love that," I replied, Grabbing a water bottle.

"Yes, I'll have to call my mum, though." Nalia smiled, Grabbing some watermelon.

"I already know your answer Ty, don't worry, your dad already said it was alright." Mr Blake patted Tyler's shoulder, Mr Blake walked back inside.

"Come on Blanc, I'll walk you home so you can get some more Clothes." Danny teased his boyfriend by calling him his last name, Tyler proceeds to hit his head, "Never call me that again," Tyler laughed.

"Come on Nalia, Let's leave the love birds and go get our stuff." I laughed Taking Nalia's hand.

"Your just jealous that you haven't met anyone yet!" Danny Yelled, I turn around, "says who?" I yelled back, laughing as I walked away, Nalia fallowing Me, Trying to get me to talk,

"Oh come on!! Who did you meet?? When did you meet them?!" Nalia pushed,

"Not sayin'," I laughed, walking away as we had already made our way to Nalias Street.

"OH, COME ON!!" Nalia Yelled, throwing her arms up dramatically.


I am terribly sorry that Marco wasn't in this, But I wanted to show my Ocs, Tyler and Danny's relationship is my absolute favourite, they're adorable together, if you have any ideas or something that you would like to share please do!

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