Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Amaya was thirty three weeks on it's peak and it was time. Time to give birth to all six babies. Isaiah and she were up all night praying for a safe delivery and for all babies to be in good health and nothing too serious. Doctors were coming in introducing themselves and saying who they would be taking care of until they are all better and ready to go home.

"Now. There's going to be a team of doctors for each baby. Don't be alarmed. All of the babies seem to be doing beautifully thus far," the doctor mentioned as she continued to make eye contact with the expectant parents. "I've seen your families and they are all waiting in the waiting room. They will come up at one point to watch the babies be taken to the NICU." She says and the parents nod.

After they are informed of the basic things they needed to know they wheeled Amaya away and Isaiah prayed silently again before typing to his mom and telling her Amaya had already been wheeled away. Soon after, he got into his scrubs that were provided and he head to the delivery room.

He was nervous. His heart was beating so quickly and his palms were sweating. He could "prepare" as much as he wanted for six babies, but nothing could prepare him for the reality of them all being there at once.

Amaya laid on the table not feeling anything from the waist down. She was also nervous. She was crying and she only hoped that everything would go as planned. After some moving around, the doctor pulls a baby out and they hear the squeal before it becomes a clear cry. He brings the baby up holding him up for his parents to see.

"It's a boy." He announces, "that's Baby A." He says passing him to a nurse.

"That's our Solomon Keziah." She whispers with happy tears falling down her face. She couldn't believe it. The babies still had a long way to go, but she knew they'd be alright.

Another cry and Baby B is shown to the parents and Isaiah leans down crying and kissing Amaya's forehead. Zachariah Aiden. Baby C is shown shortly after, Enoch Sakari. The boys are whisked away and taken to the NICU for further tests and Baby D is shown. Their first baby girl, Athaliah Skye. Then Baby E, Delilah Rae and finally Baby F, Lydia Marie.

Once all the babies are out, Amaya is stitched up and wheeled back to her room. Their families got to see the babies being wheeled away. Amaya is still sleeping from the medicine she was given. Isaiah placed a kiss on her forehead as he allowed her to rest. She had been up for hours prior to their actual birth.

Isaiah watched Amaya stir in her sleep. She slowly woke up and as if on cue Issac, Jasmine, Cameron and Juliana walks in the room.

"Aunty!" She yells running towards the bed. Gently, Jasmine places her daughter and son on the hospital bed as they hug her best friend.

"They are so beautiful." She mentions and Amaya thanks her as she plays with Juliana and Cameron a little bit. "How are you feeling?" She asked sitting on the edge of her bed.

"I'm in some pain. It's just super sore and so painful." She admits and Jasmine understands.

"It'll get better. When can you go down and see them?" She asks and Amaya shrugs slightly not wanting to irritate her stitches.

"I saw them while they were going down to the NICU. They look perfect congratulations." Isaac says congratulating his friend.

The babies were now one week away from being a month old and it was time for all of them to go home. They aren't going to be eased into parenthood bringing home one baby at a time. They were taking all six home at the same time.

"Are you ready to go?" Isaiah asked her helping her pack her bag. Isaac and Jasmine were here helping them bring their babies home. Their respective family members were at their home ready to help.

"Yep." Amaya replied with a slight smile as Isaiah leaves to get the car seats. A little bit later, each of them returned with two car seats on their arms. They made their way up to the NICU and got to their rooms where they were all snugged up.

"Okay, hand me Athaliah." Amaya says as she takes her from her husband and passed the now five pound baby girl to Isaac. Jasmine passed Solomon to Isaiah and they did that until all the babies were in their car seats buckled up. Once the nurses had checked them one last time they were all cleared to leave.

They all left the hospital between 4-6 pounds each. The only four pounder was Lydia. She was petite and doctors noticed so as soon as she was gaining weight she was on the list to go home.

"Let's go home." Isaiah says smiling at his wife and picking up two car seats. After a while they managed to get to the car. Amaya and Jasmine sat at the back and they enjoyed staring at the sleeping babies the entire ride home.

Isaiah pulled up and parked their car in the driveway and they took their time taking the babies out. They made their way to the front door.

"SURPRISE!" Amaya heard numerous voices shout as she flicked the light on. She's taken aback, but begins to laugh afterwards. Everyone was here.

"Where's the babies auntie?" Cam asked and Isaac, Isaiah and Jasmine walked in bringing in the babies. Isaiah walked in with the babies and placed them where everyone leaned forward to see the new bundles of joy.

"This is Zachariah, Solomon, Athaliah, Lydia, Enoch and Delilah." Amaya says pointing to the respective babies. Isaiah handed out hand sanitizer to anyone who wanted to touch the babies.

"Awe." The voices cooed as they backed away to let everyone else pass. There was Amaya's family and Isaiah's family who all greeted them with a smile.

"Good job." one of Isaiah's friends said patting him on the back and congratulating him on his new additions. It was amazing having the people they love around them to help with things until they were not able to anymore.

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