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3rd persons POV
At Dinner

"So have you made any new friends at your new school?" Star's dad says breaking the silence that was in the room besides the clinking of the utensils and the plates that came in connect

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"So have you made any new friends at your new school?" Star's dad says breaking the silence that was in the room besides the clinking of the utensils and the plates that came in connect

"A few" she replies as she continues eating her food not looking up from her plate that sat with half eaten food on it

"Would you mind telling me and your father who those friends are?" Her mom buds into the conversation making the word friends stand out as draws her attention to her daughter who stopped eating her food for a second before continuing

Star sits there for a minute feeling very uncomfortable because she didn't know what to say, she knew that if she said Rue they would start asking her even more questions

"Sofia" she says to her parents before turning her attention back down to her plate

"Sofia? Does Sofia go to your school?" Her mom asks once more

"Yea, me and her do track together she's on the team. With me a-and of course the other girls that are also..my friends" she tells her mom before glancing at her dad who nodded his head

"Sounds like a nice girl, why don't you bring her over sometime. I would love to meet her" her mom says looking at her with a warm smile on her face before looking over at Star's father

"I'm sure your father would like to meet her as well" she added

"I would be more than happy to meet your friends Star, I'm so happy that your making new friends" he says looking at Star before continuing to eat his food

After dinner

That was an amazing dinner you cooked Pamela" Her father says to her mother who gave her father a warm smile

"Thank you, I appreciate you coming by and eating dinner with us and visiting your daughter." She says still with the smile that she had remaining visible

Her dad just nods his head sending her mom a smile before exiting the door

"Wait..Star can I talk to you please before I leave?" He says turning around to face the doorway

Star hesitates before nodding and stepping out of the door standing in front of her father

"Be quick please, you have school Tomorrow Star" her mom says glancing at her father before walking back to the dinning room

"I'm so proud of you for making new friends and liking your new school, I knew that you would love it out here. Do you still talk to that Rue girl by any chance? "

Star pauses for a second before looking up at her father

"I-I see her every now and then at school, we talk sometimes but not..often" she says

Her dad stands there for a second before sighing softly

"I know I haven't been around since the divorce but I'm always here for you honey ok? If you need anything you have my number, and I would like to meet that Sofia girl" he says to Star before pulling her into a hug

"I love you Star" he says to her

"I love you too dad" she responds

After that he breaks the hug before looking out at his car that sat in the drive way

"We'll I guess I better be going you have school in the morning don't wanna upset your mother" he says before kissing his daughters forehead and walking off the porch

"Goodnight" he says

"Goodnight dad" she replies

He gets in his car and back out of the driveway before driving away

Star goes back inside closing the door behind her and locking it before going to the stairs

"Goodnight Star" she hears her mom yell from the kitchen

"Goodnight" she replies before making her way upstairs and to her room where she laid down and drifted off to sleep

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