sigo enamorado de ti

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Jeje parece que aún sigo enamorado de Fernanda y perdón por la k me confundí con otro nombre jeje pero si digamos que sigo aun enamorado y ya a pasado un año desde la última vez que les conté un día de mi vida y ya es mi cumpleaños un día que no espero mucho con alegría y bueno mi mama me hace un desayuno que me gusta y de ahi me toca esperar al almuerzo y luego comer la torta o pastel y bueno como siempre me siento en mi patio a esperar y habro el whatsapp y nadie me a escrito de momento pero aún era muy temprano ya  eran más de la una del mediodía y nada pero ya tenía que ir a comer y de ahi seguí hasta ya las 6 de la tarde y alfin agarré mi telefono y veo que solo me mandaron 2 felicitaciones y me dicen perdon por no mandartela mas temprano es que se me olvidó y bueno obviamente los perdone y así se terminó otro dia más
Al siguiente dia me pongo en mi patio y se me ocurre terminar al fin la canción que estaba planeando desde  hace un mes y en ingles entoces aproveché y agarré mi guitarra y me puse a cantar con mi guitarra empeze
To  see you happy
  To make you happy I would do everything I would not care about anything because I love you because you are my beautiful girl but you do not understand it you think that my love is not real and that I am going to hurt you but it is not like that because you poisoned me with your love uncontrolled and you are incredible incredible. It's not just your beauty but your feelings and I want to go straight to you to tell you how much I like you. I've already been hurt but I don't care because you uh uh every morning I think of you but my friends always tell me to get over you but I don't know how to forget you. If only you saw as I see you I would take you to heaven to a private place to be alone with you. Although I try to flirt with another I can't because you uh uh made me happier. Every day I write on indirect social networks and if only you will understand my uncontrolled love because you are my beautiful and uncontrolled girl and I love you too much and I would never hurt you, I would leave the others just for you. And if you want to know something about me, just ask if there is something you want to tell me, just tell me honestly.
I don't care if you need me and I feel very bad, you are my priority  and you more important and even if I send you a thousand messages and you don't answer me, I don't care. I will only be for you just to see you happy happy happy (termina con un tono melancólico) -woah dice Steven despues de haber creado esa cancion-
Narra Steven
Me  sorprendió haber  creado esa  cancion tan rápido pero a quien se la de dedicaría y ya después de tanto pensar dije el próximo año voy a invitar a Fernanda a ir conmigo a una parque en San Valentín y se  lo voy a cantar - lo dice con un tono emocionado- bueno tocará esperar bueno al parecer se terminó el año muy rápido y ya era 13 de  febrero y bueno me anime y la invite y me dijo que si -ok te voy a pasar buscando dice Steven con un tono alegre- al siguiente dia ya me habia vestido y ya tenía todo listo incluyéndo mi guitarra asi que la fui a buscar y estaba hermosa herradiaba una aura que me hizo olvidar mis nervios
Y bueno la lleve al parque y luego de un rato le dije -habla Steven con un tartamudeo pero se  controla y le dice esta cancion va para ti-
to see you happy
  To make you happy I would do everything I would not care about anything because I love you because you are my beautiful girl but you do not understand it you think that my love is not real and that I am going to hurt you but it is not like that because you poisoned me with your love uncontrolled and you are incredible incredible. It's not just your beauty but your feelings and I want to go straight to you to tell you how much I like you. I've already been hurt but I don't care because you uh uh every morning I think of you but my friends always tell me to get over you but I don't know how to forget you. If only you saw as I see you I would take you to heaven to a private place to be alone with you. Although I try to flirt with another I can't because you uh uh made me happier. Every day I write on indirect social networks and if only you will understand my uncontrolled love because you are my beautiful and uncontrolled girl and I love you too much and I would never hurt you, I would leave the others just for you. And if you want to know something about me, just ask if there is something you want to tell me, just tell me honestly.
I don't care if you need me and I feel very bad, you are my priority and you were more important and even if I send you a thousand messages and you don't answer me, I don't care. I will only be for you just to see you happy happy happy-y-y-y
-fernanda dice me encantó esta muy bonita-
Rápidamente habla Steven agarrando valor
-qu-quie-quieres ser mi novia-
Fernanda no se lo puede creer y dice que si en ese momento Steven fue y le dio un beso largo y hermoso....
Oigan les esta gustando el capítulo para su mala suerte ya se terminó nos  vemos en la proxima...

mi infancia corruptaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora