Chapter 16 : The Mall

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  After Izumi recovered,she trained with Grand Torino.Days later the students went back to their school after they finished their internships with the heros.

  After that,the students had an rescue race then they had practice exam.Izumi and Katsuki must defeat All Might at the practice exam and they won.It took a while for the two to defeat All Might but they passed the exam.Some of the class failed the test and those are Mine,Kaminari,Kirishima,Sero and few more.

  After the test,Aizawa announced that they'll be having a training camp.The class was very excited and planned to go to the mall after school for supplies.


  Izuku sat on a chair while staring at the ceiling.She's been staring at abyss for an hour but then Kurogiri opened a portal.Few people came out and started to introduce themselves.Izuku turned her head toward them and saw new faces that she never saw before.Sure they had a lot of villains but a lot was captured at USJ,some was caught on a mission and some are dumb then did something to make them caught.

  Turns out,the new people will be joining them for a mission.Toga sat up then jumped up and down while Izuku was shock be because she didn't notice her.Izuku was also exited because she can see what the forest looks like.She saw them on pictures and book and wanted to see it with her own eyes.Green mountains,green trees and a fresh air.(haha my home was surrounded by mountains)

  While Izuku was lost in her imagination,she heared Shigaraki said that he'll be asking the location from the students.Izuku grinned then walked toward the leader of the villains.

  "Hey can  I come" Izuku said.

  "Huh? I thought you don't like being surrounded by people.You don't even like meeting knew peoples " Shigaraki said.Izuku scoffed the  asked the question again.Izuku only wanted to go with the older man because she had nothing to do.She can make something in her lab but she's ran out of ingredients.....Izuku suddenly got an idea.

  "Can I come? I need to buy some things for by lab" Izuku said.

  "You always does,that's just an excuse.......fine you can come" Shigaraki said angrily.Izuku laughed then went to her room to change her cloth.She also disguised herself into a different look.

  She had white t-shirt,black shorts,long white socks,black boots and a green rabbit jacket.She went back to the bar and waited to Shigaraki.

  They walked to Kurogiri's gate and appeared in a alleyway.Shigaraki walked toward the mall while Izuku filled behind but avoiding a lot of people.She'll step aside to prevent being touch by the people.

  "Just follow me and don't go anywhere.Make a scene and your little pet will be turn into dust" Shigaraki said.Izuku gulped then nodded as she kept her head down.After walking around the mall for minutes,Shigaraki saw the UA students.He waited for then to separate until he saw Izumi sitting alone.

  "Stay here,i'm going to ask that br—" Shigaraki turn around and saw Izuku missing.He groaned then look around then be spotted Izuku looking at a stuff toy.Shigaraki sighed then walked toward Izumi but he kept an eye on Izuku.


  Izuku kept staring at a hamster stuff toy being displayed in a shop.Izuku turn her head to the left and saw more stuff toys but different animals.She also saw a rabbit in green color as her eyes lit up.Sbe ran inside the store and bought the rabbit.The rabbits size was big and only 5 inches smaller than her.

  Izuku went out from the store while hugging the toy.The casher said that they'll put in a box but Izuku refused then walked out after she payed.

  She stoped for a while then fixed her mask then kept walking again.Izuku saw distracted by the rabbit and bumped into someone.She stepped back then lowered the rabbit to see the person she bumped into.It was a boy with sharp red hair and sharp teeth.

  "I-i'm v-very sorry sir" Izuku stuttered while hiding her face on the rabbit.Izuku felt embarrassed but also afraid when she talks to someone she didn't know.She can't speak to a person when she just met them,but when she know the person even a little she can talk to them normally.That was when she'll at her villain state.When she's at her villain state,she doesn't care about anything.

  Izuku was distracted and got attached to the rabbit so most likely went back to her past self.She doesn't know about that but that's the truth.She didn't have any human contact before and it's hard for her to speak to anyone.

  'Izumi? Why did you buy a rabbit and....did you get shorter?' another boy asked.He had a blonde hair and a black lighting on his hair.The red hair smacked the blonde in his head.

  "It's not manly to asked them about their height you know" the red haired said.

  "Sorry about him but he's right,and since when did you change your clothes" the red haired asked.Izuku stared at them before answering.She went back to her villain state but not entirely.
  "You might be mistaken be as someone else and I'm not Izumi" Izuku said.The two boys look at each other then apologized to Izuku many times.Izuku started to feel more nervous because many eyes was looking at her.

  "Ummm that's f-fine and uh....bye!" Izuku ran away from the boys.She ran then went to the escalator not even realizing that she's at the second floor.She went to the bottom then searched for Shigaraki.

  Five minutes later,she found him walking away from Izumi and Uraraka.Izuku smiled then ran toward Shigaraki then walked beside him.

  "I thought I lost you" Izuku panted.

  "And I thought you're gonna make a scene again but I guess I'm wrong this time" Shigaraki said.Izuku gasped then look at him offended.

  "You're mean"

"Always am...why did you buy that rabbit anyways.I thought you need to buy ingredients or whatever" Shigaraki asked.Izuku stopped then remembered that she needs to buy some.She look at the older buy but be ignored her.

  "I'll just asked Toga to buy,I don't wanna go back to that mall again" Izuku said.The two kept walking until they reached the bar.Izuku went to her room then placed the rabbit on her bed while Kiku started to smell the rabbit.

  "What a day,almost got caught by UA students" Izuku mumbled.She took out her phone and texted Toga to buy her the things she needs.Besides,Toga was on a killing spree today.An hour later,Izuku received a text from Toga saying that they'll be going somewhere in few days.

  "Training camp?....UA?" Izuku questioned.She asked Toga why but the female didn't reply her.

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