Chapter Two

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After getting her jacket from her locker to cover the coffee stain, Lauren took her seat in her first period class, and her mind went straight to Miss.Cabello. She couldn't stop thinking about her all through out her first three periods. Lauren thought she was too young to be a teacher, she didn't look older than 22 years old. Lauren guessed that it had to be her first time teaching all together. Mrs.Cabello was different, Lauren assumed because she didn't act all arrogant like other teachers do. Another teacher would have blamed Lauren for the collision that happened in the hallway, and would make her get a late note from the office. Lauren was intrigued by Mrs.Cabello, and this was very unusual. It was hard to impress Lauren, she rarely took interest in anyone. It was a big shock when she took an interest in Brad their sophomore year, besides her small flings that she had through out the years, Brad was her first serious boyfriend. Lauren noticed how beautiful Mrs.Cabello was but she was still confused on why she is so enamored with her. She was disrupted from her thoughts when the bell, signaling the end of third period, rang.

"Okay class your assignment is due next Monday," her teacher said as everyone was collecting their books getting ready to leave. Lauren was shocked, she was usually one to take notes and pay attention in class, but this class she was stuck in her mind thinking about Miss.Cabello. She couldn't believe it, this was the first time she was going to have to ask someone in her class for notes. Brad never even distracted her this much.

Lauren made her way to her English class, and paused at the doorway to look for Ally and Normani. Once she spotted them and saw that they saved her a seat, she made her way over, "Hey guys how were your classes," Lauren said getting settled.

"Boring," Ally and Normani said at the same time.

"Mine too, I missed the notes for last class and there is an assignment that I have to do and I have no idea what it is," Lauren said turning around in her seat to look at her friends.

"Well that's a first," Normani snickered.

"What happened?" Ally asked. Lauren was about to respond when the bell rang and the answer to Ally's question walked in.

"Hello everyone, I'm Miss.Cabello, your new English teacher. I know I won't be as great as Mrs.Grande was but hopefully I'll be okay," Miss.Cabello said and sat down at her desk.

"You're more than okay," a boy commented and whistled. A few other boys snickered and Miss.Cabello started to blush. Lauren was upset, she hated when the boys in her school disrespected girls. She was about to say something when Miss.Cabello started talking again.

"Okay um, I'll first take attendance and then I will tell you guys what we will be doing for the rest of the year," she said taking out her attendance sheet.

"You got it babe," the same boy commented again. What is this boy's problem? Lauren thought. He didn't do this with Mrs.Grande, and she was insanely hot. Miss.Cabello was new to the school but that doesn't mean she isn't a teacher. Miss.Cabello however didn't say a word and started to take attendance.

"Ally Brooke?"


"Conner Ball?"


"Zendaya Coleman?"


"Perry Edwards?"


"Tristen Evans?"


"Hayes Grier?"

"Right here babe," he answered with a wink. Lauren couldn't take it anymore, she exploded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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