ncr+shi mcs

21 2 6

1. Eli 



special: strength: a solid 9 perception:10 (the old world   edurance:7 (ran 100k for fun with his room mate he still lost but got some good cardio in!) intelligence: 5 (he knows the wasteland pretty well and he knows how to fix guns read wright  crack open a few terminals... and that's about it he was a teacher... that didn't go so well to say the least) agility: 7 (the man almost fought the wendigo for some food good thing  the ncr showed up to help him damn old world beast wonder how many there was before the bombs?) luck: 10 (he's been threw all this and is alive?)

skills: big guns:60  melee weapons:70 science:50 guns:80

bio: An NCR ranger from the Shi tribe is equipped with his fire axe named "mercy" and can do double damage against NCR or legion it can stun power armor and also triple the damage against power among enemies and animals and a 50. named Old Glory (not related to the new California mod) shoots energy blasts and his trusty 45. pistol and when things go south he has his busted assaults' rifle he has a desert ranger helmet with the Chinese flag stars embedded in it,

 now for some real history his 45.  has been with him since childhood he was adopted by a Shi member and was taught the samurai way he found a ranger helmet belong to a Chinese soldier during the great war it was in good condition the body? well not so much and that was when he was 13, after his parents died from unknown reasons, he sought out to find there murderer, and he made that bastard pay but he left with a scar over his eye then he joined the ncr after the vegas war and well went north to assist the Alaskan rangers where he found the Chinese duster while in a battle with the enclave he found data containing of a weapon that could potentially wipe out all enclave members so he set out to find it with a ragtag team known as team:" keep-out" (shut up im low on ideas at the moment) before he left he found a laptop in hidden away in the house he used to live in it belong to a kid the travaler aka isaiah.. on the laptop it had some old world stuff, a few tales from his life a a manual of how to fix the laptop if ever broken the owner made the case very strong so it  should with stand most stuff, well it didn't with stand the old glory but he remembers what he needs a few scrap metal, a wielder and  the one piece of scrap electronics, but he just used one of those scrapes to upgrade his axe to have an electrical opponents mainly sentry bots, 

primary: an anti-material rifle named Old Glory from an old trader that couldn't speak English..  it can shoot plasma bolts at a fast speed and is very light it shoots a mix of micro-fusion and 50 the micro you have to chamber load so means put the bullet in where the shell come out off but 50? just shove the magazine in there and load the rifle the scope highlights enemies but it's been acting up... 

2nd primary: is an assault rifle scoped full auto shoots 5mm got it off the same trader 

secondary: a 45. pistol even though its old it still packs -a-punch (get the reference?) 

melee: fire axe that has the little glow from the proton axe but it's on a regular ax (the laptop told him some good wasteland weapons that aren't to shabby)  and a small little boy scout knife to open cans with but he just calls it mini combat knife..

other items: a backpack a deck of cards some empty shells a guitar on which he plays some of the songs from the laptop on he likes Johnny Cash and this fellow named 'Mary Robbin' but he dislikes this guy called Johnny reb, he finds these cool canned food things.

aid: 20 stimpacks 2 buffout bottles some radaway and some water. 

addictions: buff out

armor: riot armor from the far west, can take 6 explosives 50. cal bullets that Chinese trooper made armor good i have to say... the helmet is ok i forgot to add one of the eye protectors is cracked so.. yeah but it can take a couple of slugs to the face  his backpack is a doctor backpack from the new California mod its a small little things

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