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Zayn, Louis and I were walking into our house silently when all of a sudden Louis lurched forward and started kneeling on the floor. Not seeing Louis in front of me, I wondered where he was and I saw him behind me bent over on the concrete pavement with his hand resting on the side of his stomach. Zayn immediately saw him touching the floor and walked over to him asking him if he was ok. I also came over and helped Louis stand up a bit and I led him into his room and pulled his bed covers over him.

"Just lay down, ill be back soon." I said closing his door lightly. I then walked over to Zayn's room seeing that he went into his room too. Though he wasn't in bed. Instead he was sitting up drawing in his sketchbook in the corner of his room like usual.

"You alright?" I asked sitting beside him on the floor. I put my hand on his back and started to ruffle his head and he leant his head on my shoulder. The young lad looked tired but no matter how tired Zayn was, his immediate action in his room was to always draw.

"Could be better, but i'm alright." he said. He looked at me for a second before going back to drawing something on his notepad. I noticed that this time Zayn was a lot more cuddly than he was other times. It wasn't anything weird, but I knew he was shy and he wasn't as touchy with people that weren't his parents. But because Zayn was feeling unwell at this moment he felt the need to accept the comfort I was handing over to him for a while and that really meant a lot to me. He was always so cuddly when he was under the weather but I found that as a very special trait that only he had.

"Do you want anything?" I asked feeling his forehead. His forehead felt a bit warm and I knew he had developed a fever during the school day that he obviously didn't want to mention.

"Well, could I have some tea please?" he asked. I gave him a nod and kissed his forehead on my way out. Zayn blushed a bit, and he also told me a very quiet thank you as I walked out of the door.

Next I had to go back to Louis' room to see how he was doing. As soon as I walked in I saw him fast asleep in his bed. He didn't have any covers over him and he had his arms wrapped around his stomach. The poor boy looked so uncomfortable and I could see he was visibly feeling very unwell, but I felt like it was my job to make them all feel better. I woke him up gently to ask him how he was feeling, and he looked like he was in pain. I knew I had to get Zayn some tea, so why not get Louis some tea too?

"Do you need some tea? It might rest your tummy a bit." I asked.

"Yes please." he said. "And thanks for putting up with me for so long." he said smiling. I gave him a little hug on my way out knowing that he was now comfortable even though he was a bit unwell and I went on my way to make some tea for Louis and Zayn.

As soon as I was done, I dropped it off at their rooms. They each thanked me and I was glad that they had something to drink, especially Zayn. Louis was pretty much in enough pain too to just collapse and he had been given orders by me to stay in bed by me, but hopefully this would ease the knots in his stomach or else i'd have to give him medicine.

I took the next few minutes to set up the computer so I could try to Skype with their parents. They'd probably each like to talk to them to cheer them up a bit. But as I was taking out the laptop to set up a Skype call, I heard some gigging from upstairs and i immediately knew someone got sick. My problem here was that there were five sick boys in this house, and I didn't really have the time of day to carefully check around their rooms to see who was getting sick. But I looked at the bathroom that was directly upstairs, and I could see that the light was on.

I ran up as fast as I could and I saw Harry bent over the sink with his curls brushed around his forehead everywhere. I ran up to him and carefully rubbed his back checking to make sure he wasn't getting too weak as he brought up more and more sick into the bathroom sink. I felt really bad because Harry being the youngest out of all of them was never very good in these situations but he handled being sick very easily for the most part. Once he was done I looked at him and he had little tears in his green eyes and there were tears running down the side of his red cheeks.

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