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the fight


"a feisty one, eh. let's see what u can do boy~" said Kiyomasa laughing mischievously, while the students behind them cheers.


A/N: I mean it's really hard to make a plot if SHINICHIROOOO IS ALIVEEEE!😭 So, I making him dead, so sorry.

So last chapter, The first Gen of BD — Takeomi, Wakasa and Shinichiro and instead of Shinichiro I'm going to place Benkie in his place. Oky, then Benkie is just a oldet brother to our mitchy, oky? Idk, but I got older brother vibes from Benkie. I'm making Takemitchi a second year student with the age of 17 turning 18 while his other friends are first year, 16 turning 18. Also, Wakasa is 25 (I'm changing their age), Takeomi is idk, I'm sure he is older than Wakasa and Benkie or so I thought, please correct me if I'm wrong. Well oky Takeomi — 28, Benkie —27.

Idk why I add Waka and Omi to the harem even though their age is not even close to Takemitchi's, idk they are just so fine~ can't help it, but in exchange they got less screen time, hshs.

so let's start.

Ring~ Ring~ Ring~

'finally~' thought Takemitchi while popping his joints. He then, put back his things to his school bag, neatly. He exit his classroom door, thinking about the happenings yesterday, at the cafe with his childhood friends.

Speaking of his childhood friends, he saw them walking out the school building, tense.

'Well, that was weird.' thought Takemitchi, deciding to follow them.

After minutes of following his friends, he then arrive at a fighting rig. He saw his friends line up at staircase with the other students looking at the fight at the middle.

There, Takemitchi hide at a tree, while peeking his head from time to time, not wanting his friends knew he followed them.

He then heard a voice that announce something that making his blood boil.

"Now, let's move onto the next fight!" said Kiyomasa.
The cheers irrupt the whole place.

"*random name from *random school* V.S. Takuya from Mizo Middle School" announce Kiyomasa.

Then, Takemitchi look at Takuya horrified. He knew Takuya has a weak body. But then, when he's about to jump in a action, Akkun said something, making the whole crowd silence, including Takemitchi.

"Isn't it a uninteresting whenever you see this fight method everytime? hmm?" said Akkun, moving forward.

"What do you mean? hah?" asked Kiyomasa, curiously.

"Well, I suggest a fight of King V.S. Slave making the king you and that slave being me. How about it?" suggest Akkun.

"Hmm, that is interesting suggestion. Well let's fight!" announced Kiyomasa, grinning mischievously.

Takemitchi look at Akkum horrified and nervous, he knows too damn well that none of his friends were able to fight except him, not that his friends knew.

The loud cheers, making him stop at his thoughts. He look at Akkun standing tense, while his right hand is in pocket, seems holding something.

The fight start.

Then it hit him, Takemitchi knew that Akkun will kill Kiyomasa.  He doesn't want Akkun to go to jail, so he did the first thing in his mind.

Fight Kiyomasa, himself.

Takemitchi walk up sneakily at Akkun, noticing a lot of stares he's getting. He then chop his friend's neck softly, that would make him unconscious.

Silence filled the whole rig, Takemitchi place his precious friend besides his other friends. Takemitchi look at them sweetly, too sweet to their own liking. His friends shiver.

"You better tell me all. In details" said Takemitchi.

Then Takemitchi look back at Kiyomasa coldly, very angry for hurting his FRIENDS. Kiyomasa just laugh at him trying to hide his uneasiness.

"oh~ what do we have here?" said Kiyomasa, licking his lips.

"a human, that will make ur life a living hell." said Takemitchi smiling, coldly.

"a feisty one, eh. let's see what u can do boy~" said Kiyomasa laughing mischievously, while the students behind them cheers.

"you will pay, what you've done to my friends." said Takemitchi.

Then the fight began, not noticing the two figures not far from the fighting rig.

Kiyomasa charge at Takemitchi, punching at every directions while Takemitchi kept dodging, smiling. This make Kiyomasa pis off.

"Get me my bat. Now!" shouted Kiyomasa, looking at his underlings.

"Isn't it a bit far, Kiyomasa?" shouted *random name*

"This fight isn't fair to begin with. Now, give me my bath or else." shouted him, making the guy get his bath.

Then Kiyomasa look at Takemitchi smiling like an idiot with his bat.

"Now, the real fight begins."


Kiyomasa charge at Takemitchi at his full speed, while Takemitchi dodge elegantly.

'hmm, let's see if you can further entertain me.' thought Takemitchi.


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