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Author's note -

Please note the tags. This has no a/b/o dynamics and I provide no explanation in my story on how men can get pregnant. Just roll with it please :)


Mu Ren hated Li Cheng.

Okay, maybe hate is a strong word. He detested him, passionately.

The man was an egocentric, selfish prick. He was loud, careless, shameless...he was everything that Mu Ren hated in a person.

Not only the man's personality but Mu Ren disliked his face, smile, his entire physical appearance too.

They had known each since they were ten and always hung out in the same social circles. Their families were literally like blood relatives. But over the years, he developed this immense displeasure with his childhood friend.

They were very close until they got to high school. They played together, went to the same school, and enjoyed the same hobbies. They were almost joined at the hip.

But then high school happened. That was when Li Cheng changed, at least in Mu Ren's opinion. He was no longer the sole focus of Li Cheng's attention. Not that he craved it or anything. But still, it hurt that his attention was now divided with more than ten boys and girls who all probably desired more from Li Cheng than he offered. Nonetheless, his part in his so-called best friend's life diminished day by day. Li Cheng had new friends and new interests which Mu Ren could not be part of.

So he kept his distance, gave him space, and watched from afar how popular he became, how selfish he turned, how little he cared about others' feelings, and more importantly how he teased and flirted with every beautiful thing on campus. Everyone except him. He had never felt such strong emotions towards his friend until then. It was a confusing age and his emotions overwhelmed him.

Eventually, they grew apart after high school, going to different universities and making new friends and relationships. To the point that they barely acknowledged each other's presence outside of their inner family events. Over the years, Mu Ren observed how successful Li Cheng had become, how many relationships he had, how buoyant and vivacious his life has been, and above all how little he was interested in Mu Ren.

That is why it came as a big shock to Mu Ren when Li Cheng agreed to their marriage proposal, while he was stubbornly against it.

He had always known how their families wished to merge their companies and businesses by marrying off the heirs to each other. But he never imagined that they were this serious until Li Cheng's grandfather actually brought in the proposal. He had always had a soft spot for Mu Ren and more often than once preferred him as his grandson over Li Cheng. Mu Ren loved the fact that it irked Li Cheng and always made sure to gloat about the fact.

However much he respected and cared for Li Cheng's parents and grandfather, marrying him for the sake of merging businesses was out of the question. Mu Ren felt he didn't need to marry for love. He would be perfectly content marrying anyone else his parents chose for him, it just cannot be Li Cheng. He cannot see himself being in any sort of relationship with Li Cheng. Not after all these years.

And so, he is here today at Li Cheng's office, proactively seeking him out so they can think of a way to get out of this messy situation they have been thrust into. Should be quick and easy, he thought to himself as he opened the door to Li Cheng's office. Li Cheng cares as little about him as he does in return. Shouldn't take too much convincing. They can come to a quick agreement and put this all behind them and move on like nothing ever happened.

But when do things ever go as planned? His day was about to get worse.

"And why do you think we are not right for each other?" Li Cheng counters, as he walks to the window behind his desk.

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