Chapter 8

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Just wanna let you guys know that the next update will be roughly in a week. Normally I update two chapters at a time but tonight it will be only one. Thanks for reading!!

Danilo? That's what he told me in the dream. This can't be a coincidence. Wait! Maybe I was dreaming again.

"This is so strange but, I could have sworn I knew that already. It must have been on my schedule for class." We entered into the kitchen so I could start the coffee machine.

"Would you like some Italian bread? My father is Italian and he makes this sweet bread from his country and now I make it. It's actually pretty good." I went to take out a knife to cut the loaf.

"Sure. Thank you." He said sitting at the bar.

The house slowly began to fill with the aroma of coffee. I had to admit I loved the smell.

"I only drink decaff is that ok?"


I turned to cut the bread. I began to ponder the fact that I knew his name and wasn't careful of what I was doing but the knife slipped and I cut the tip of my finger.

"OWWW!" I was more surprised than in pain. I am so clumsy.

Mr. Spirelli jumped up and took three long strides to get to me. I guess being tall with long legs had its advantages. "Are you ok? What happened?"

I turned to him and showed him my finger. The blood began to run down my finger and fall to the floor. I began to feel more embarrassed than anything. Then the pain hit.

"Ow, it's starting to hurt." I winced as the pain shot through my entire finger.

I looked at him and again his eyes were red. "Oh my gosh!"

He turned his head quickly, thinking that I wouldn't be able to see him.

"The day of the accident with the girl, a-a-at the club, and now." Does this have something to do with me knowing that his name was Danilo also?

"I am ok. I just get a little wheezy when I see blood." He took a few deep breaths.

Every time he sees blood his eyes turn red. This is almost like what I see on TV. I would have never imagined that something like this was real.

I turned around and grabbed a towel to wrap my aching finger. I was gonna have to doctor on it later.

He turned around and looked at me with a smile, his eyes as white as mine. How odd. I just don't understand. I know I wasn't drunk and I don't use drugs so what is happening?

Then it donned on me. I slowly walked up to him and unwrapped my finger and the blood began to run again as if I turned on the water from the faucet.

I looked at him and his eyes turned red again. "I knew I saw what I saw! I wasn't imagining it."

He turned his back to me. I could see the rise and fall of his torso. I have never known for anyone to have their eyes turn another color just from the sight of blood... unless...

 "What are you?" I felt as if I were dreaming. Could this be a dream? I looked up at him and he still had his back to me. I took a moment to actually take him in. His hair was so silky and straight, strong broad shoulders and a butt that I wanted to sink my nails in.

I wanted to run my hands up his back and wrap them around him. Gosh he is so sexy.

"No, you are the sexy one." he turned to me with eyes redder than the life force that seeped from my finger.

"Did I say that out loud? I could have sworn..."

"I can hear your thoughts. I think we should talk." He took a step towards me and I took one back.

How in the hell could have known what I was thinking? That isn't possible! No one can read the thoughts of another person. That happened on TV, between married couples and mothers with their children.

He is a monster! I am so young. What if he kills me? I could picture my dad's weeping face. My heart sunk.

"Please don't fear me. I could never hurt you nor dream of hurting you, amore."

"Love? I don't know you! You are my teacher! What are you? If you don't start talking I'm gonna call the police!" I went for the phone in the living room.

I was more than sure that I could make it to the house phone and call the police. I looked back just as I had reached the living room. When I turned back he was holding the phone. How did he beat me in here? There isn't another door leading from the kitchen to the living room.

"Amore we need to talk, I am a vampire."


Don't forget to vote and comment. The next chapter will be dedicated :-)

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