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A|N: Alright hello! I apologize for not writing often, but I have been planning out a bunch of stories for this account and so I have been writing a lot, technically. To those who didn't read, this story was inspired from the anime Akatsuki no Yona, and so I do not want to get comments about how this is very alike to the anime. But anyways, I hope you all enjoy this new story!


"Kiyoko..." a quiet whisper erupted from the back of my head.

"Kiyoko... my dear Kiyoko..."

I felt a hand begin to softly stroke my long, jet black hair. "Kiyoko, dear..." The soft voice whispered once again. I felt a warmth surround me as I snuggled into a ball on my bed.

What a peaceful morning...

"GET OUT OF BED ALREADY!" I yelped as I felt a hand slap against my head. I jumped out of bed and looked around. As my vision became clearer, I saw my grandmother sitting on the edge of my bed, giving me an agitated look. I let out a soft laughter and rubbed the back of my head.

So much for the peaceful morning...

"Geez, Kiyoko-chan, this is the fourth time this week that I actually had to get my old back up the stairs to wake you up." Oba-chan complained as she got up and walked towards my door.

"Sorry, sorry!" I said, getting myself out of bed.

I looked out my window and stared up into the sky...


The sky's always endless...

My name is Kiyoko Asuna. I am 16 years old and I live with my grandparents. You may be wondering, where are my parents? Honestly, I have no idea. For as long as I could remember, my Oba-chan and Oji-san have been my only family.

I walked myself over to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I looked down at my jet black hair and sighed. In my village, it's rare to have black, silky hair and so I've always been treated as if I was special. I hated all of the attention. The boys would always talk to me and the girls would hate me because of it. And so... I've resulted to being a slob. I barely wear any makeup, I tie my hair up, and I act like a guy.

And you know, it works. The girls talk to me like I'm one of them, the guys don't flirt with me, and I can be happy without having anyone hate me!

I brushed my fingers through my hair and began to tie it up. After adjusting my hair, I looked down at the hairclip.


How long ago was it...?

Oh yeah... six years.

It's been six years... Shintaro.

I put the hairclip in my hair to pull back my longer bangs and walked out of the bathroom and changed into a white tanktop and grey shorts.

I ran down the stairs and greeted Oji-san. "Good morning, Oji-san." I smiled as I walked over and grabbed a piece of toast. "Morning, Kiyoko-chan." He said, giving me a warm smile.

"Finally." Oba-chan's voice boomed. "Kiyoko-chan, we're running low on fish." She spoke normally. "Can you go down by the river and fetch us some?" I nodded and stuffed down the toast.

"You got it!" I said as I ran towards the door. "Don't trip!" Oba-chan yelled out as I slipped my sandals on. "I won't, I won't." I shrugged it off and headed out.

I yawned and put my hands behind my back as I walked down the small dirt street in my little village.

"Good morning, Asahina-san." My 25 year old neighbor, Watanabe-san greeted. I waved hello to her and gave a happy grin. She smiled back at me and continued to sweep the front of her house.

As I continued, people constantly greeted me. It always felt nice to go outside. Not only that I can feel the nice, cool wind, but I feel like I can always be accepted here in this village.

I saw a ball roll past me and sat in front of me. "Onee-san! Can you give us back the ball?" I heard a few children yell out from behind me. I gave a determine smile and kicked the ball back over to them while ending with a 'cool' pose.

They laughed at me and grinned back. I rubbed the back of my neck and continued on my way as the children continued playing.

Eventually, I made my way out of the village and got to the river after about 5 minutes. I grabbed the bucket that the Asahina family keeps down there instead of always carrying one, and laid it near the river bank. I dipped my feet into the water and shivered before getting in.

You see, fishing poles are pretty hard to make and need a lot of materials, and so, instead, I just get in and catch them by hand. It's a wet and dirty job, but it's actually pretty fun if you actually experience it yourself.

Time flew as I caught another fish with my hands.

While down there, I caught about 15 fishes for about an hour before I grew tired and decided to head back.

As I carried the bucket and headed back, I hummed a small tune. I honestly don't know where the tune came from, but I memorized the entire tune and I've always hummed it when I had nothing else to do.

I began skipping like an idiot and giggled at myself as I made my way to the village.

I froze in my place as I saw smoke rise above the village. My heart began to race as I saw flames burst from some of the residents houses. The corpses of the children I saw earlier laid lifeless on the dirt path.

I felt a flutter in my stomach as I pushed myself not to vomit at the smell of blood.

I felt my heart skip a beat as I remembered about Oba-chan and Oji-san.

Dropping the bucket of fishes, I ran as fast as I could towards their shop, or should I say... my home.

I gasped as I saw the door broken down and ran throughout the house.

"OBA-CHAN!" I screamed. "OJI-SAN!"

I felt tears stream down my face as I screamed out for them. My screams were stopped as I entered their bedroom.

"K-Kiyoko-chan..." Oba-chan whispered in a pained voice. I ran towards her and looked down at Oji-san who's eyes were closed as blood was stained on his face and stomach.

"O-Oba-chan..." I whispered as she ran her bloodied fingers through my hair.

"Kiyoko-chan... You h-have to leave." She whispered.

"No!" I screamed. "I'm not leaving you!"

The old woman removed the hand that laid on her stomach. Blood came flowing out from the stab wound as she coughed out blood. "T-This old woman is already done for." She said, closing her eyes.

"O-Oba-chan...!" I yelled out as I grabbed her hand. Her breathing began to slow down and she could barely speak. I whimpered and sobbed as she slightly smiled. "K-Kiyoko-chan..." She spoke in a weak voice.

"O-O-Oba-chan..." I whimpered as I held her hand against my face.

"I love you, Kiyoko-chan..." She breathed out.

I froze as Oba-chan's hands slipped from my grip. Her head tilted to the side, her eyes closed, mouth slightly opened. My sobs became louder as I screamed out for them.

"O-Oba-chan..." I whimpered as I leaned closer to them.

Why did things happen this way...?


Seven Protectors || Akatsuki no Yona Inspired StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin