Chapter 3

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3 | Weird Looking Pet

After about an hour and 5 minutes driving in a fast falling storm, Zaak told me to speed up the car.

"What? Why?" I asked

"There's a monster near us," Zaak said.

I could have asked what he was talking about, but I decided better not to. He would not answer me, either way.

I stepped deeper into the gas pedal and raced down the free roads, switching the lines to keep from slamming onto another cars. You could say it was hard for me, I had never drove in my entire life.

Zaak turned to me with sweat running down his face. "Its coming."

"What's co–"

I got interrupted by the sound of enormous impacts hitting the ground at fast rate, I turned back to see a beast with black, horse-like head, with three horns protruding from its forehead, and exceeding the size of an elephant. Its body seemed to be like a green dinosaur with four giant paws running in our direction.

I gasped.

My feet drowned further into the pedals, the engine screaming like it was in pain at the large speed the car was going at.

The speedometer said the car reached over 237 Miles per hour, but the beast behind us still closed the distance between the car and itself.

"What is that?!" I yelled at Zaak.

"I'll tell you later. Keep going!" Zaak gripped his seatbelt tight. "We're almost there!"

The monster roared like a dinosaur would, its head turning from side to side to slam against cars and throw them out if its way.

"There! The hill, that's where we're headed!" Zaak yelled as he pointed at a hill with lots of trees around, a large and tall pine tree standing at the top of it.

"How are we supposed to reach there with this huge dinosaur at our tail?!" I asked, my fear turning into controlled rage.

"It's not a dinosaur," Zaak rolled his eyes. But he opened the door and I quickly kicked the brakes with all my strength.

I opened the door as fast as I could and jumped out after I unbuckled my seatbelt. I was sent rolling by the wet street.

The huge beast didn't have time to turn and hit one of us, so it hit the car at at least 400 miles per hour. The time around me seemed to slow down with the adrenaline, I could see the car being smashed into a single pillar of shattered windows and bent metal.

The beast shook its head violently. The car had stuck onto its horns.

"Run!" I heard Zaak shout.

My feet moved on their own, clawing at the slippery ground until I eventually lifted my body. I ran out around the monster and dashed to the direction Zaak was pointing at.

Zaak soon catched up to me, his pants now discarted to reveal a pair of furry legs with knees bent in the opposite direction and black hooves instead of feet.

"What the h–"

"Not now!" Zaak cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

The beast threw the car onto a random part of the street, roaring with anger.

It clawed at the ground with all its four paws like an old bull and started trotting at our direction.

"Go, I'll keep it behind!" Zaak pushed my back to further on the hill.

𐌙/𐌍 Ᏽ𐌵𐌀𐌋𐌄 & 𐌕𐋅𐌄 Ᏽ𐌐𐌄𐌀𐌕 𐌌𐌙𐌕𐋅𐌔 ¹Where stories live. Discover now