Going back to school

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As i got out of bed and into my wheelchair i looked around , this wasn't my room. I totally forgot that my parent have died and i was living with my aunt . When i got to the kitchen Lou wasn't even crying like she usually was she was smiling and said , " i called the school, i'm taking you in 30 mins" " are you serious" " yup , go get ready". When i got into my room i started to think about carter and how hes never going to talk to me now that i'm a wheelchair freak. whatever. I shifted my upper body to the end of the seat and put a nice white-T , i thought if i wore this i would still look a bit normal. I had Lou help me with my pants i wore leggings. They were easy and nobody can look at my ass cause i'm in a wheelchair. Nobody looked at it before anyways.

When i got to school i had Lou drive me to the back so nobody saw me get out of the car. It was a struggle but she helped me. She took me to my principal's office and he explained that its going to be hard and a bunch of other bull shit.

My first class was social studies . Everyone was staring at me. Aparently they all knew because even troy (the most annoying ignorant piece of shit ever) asked " so where are you living now that you know you're pretty much an orphan. "With my aunt Lou". i said . My social studies teacher ms.Z asked" so tell the class what happened". "well, as most of you know i'm supposed to be an orphan but my aunt Lou took me in". " why , wait what happened?" said joe ,( hes stupid) ." i got into a pretty bad car accident and i'm now paralyzed from my wiest down , my parents are dead and i should've been too". I started to cry . "okay , someone take kattie to the resource room and calm her down" said ms.Z ." Ill take her " said carter ." Ok. a.y" barly being able to get a letter out .

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